Discussion #1 (2 paragraphs)
After reviewing the article ” Retirement_Planning.pdf “, and based on this week reading please answer the following questions:
Provide three advantages in using Monte Carlo Simulation.
Provide three limitation of the implementation of Monte Carlo Simulation in Business Environment.
Elaborate on one potential application of Monte Carlo Simulation (Other the one presented in the article) as a predictive modeling technique. Make sure to be precise on what you are predicting and how Monte Carlo Simulation is appropriate for the situation you are describing.
Discussion Question #2 (2 paragraphs)
First, Reade “Case Study: Multinationals and Migration: International Factor Movements”, as attached File below.
Case_Study_Multinationals and Migration International Factor Movements_Ch_9.docx
Next, answer the following Question:
DISCUSSION QUESTION: In countries like Spain, Colombia, and the Philippines, why did CEMEX not just license independent local producers to use its operations technologies?
First, you need to summarize and explain the key points of the “Case Study” article using specific economic vocabulary we learned this week. Then you should answer the discussion question above, making sure that you address all the components of the question.