The following articles are about the RBV of the firm: Hatch, N. and J. Dyer (2004). Human capital and learning as a source of sustainable competitive advantage, Strategic Management Journal, 25, 1155-1178. Oh, W., & Pinsonneault, A. (2007). On The Assessment of the Strategic Value of Information Technologies: Conceptual and Analytical Approaches. MIS Quarterly, 31(2), 239-265. Schroeder, R. G., Bates, K. A., & Junttila, M. A. (2002). A resource-based view of manufacturing strategy and the relationship to manufacturing performance. Strategic Management Journal, 23(2), 105-117. After reading these papers along with some of the other studies in the background materials, write a five page paper, not including title page or references, addressing the following questions: What are the defining characteristics of the RBV? Which of the three studies do you find the most convincing? Which of the three do you find the least convincing? Explain your answer with respect to both the theoretical motivations for the studies as well as the methodologies of the studies. In general, what do you think the main pitfalls are when doing empirical research on the RBV of the firm? Is this a relatively difficult or a relatively straight-forward area to do research in? What suggestions for future research on RBV do you have after reviewing the materials for this module? Extend the literature review provided to you in the reading list by at least 2 more papers (recent publication from the last five years and from top academic journals) on organizational change research. Based on the extended literature review, write a paper, addressing the following issues: What is the research based view of the firm? What are the key theories and findings of RBV related research? What are the key implications for management practice? Why should we study RBV? Your paper should demonstrate your understanding of the key issues in the Resource-Based View (RBV) of the firm. Your paper should demonstrate your understanding of the research challenges scholars working in RBV face. Your paper should demonstrate your ability to synthesize what you have read and to propose creative directions for future research. In your paper, you should demonstrate your ability to conform to APA style.