Assignment Brief
Assignment title Assignment 1 Paper Critique
Purpose of this assignment
This assignment aims to enable students to succinctly review recent progress in a particular topic. Overall, the paper summarizes the current state of knowledge on the topic. It creates an understanding of the topic for the reader by discussing the findings presented in recent research papers.
Task 1
You are required to select 6-9 journal articles from reputable databases such as Elsevier, Wiley, Emerald and Taylor & Francis on a specific research topic of your interest. Once you have found the articles, you should read through the articles in detail.
Part 1:
You should be able to identify some basic but important information from the articles. These include:
1. Name(s) of the author(s);
2. Title of the articles;
3. Title of the journal, volume number, publication date and page numbers;
4. Problem Statement
5. Research question and objectives;
6. Underpinning theory
7. Research framework and hypotheses (if applicable);
8. Research methods and data analysis;
9. Key outcomes and
10. Conclusions.
Article Name(s) of the author(s); Title of the articles Title of the journal, volume number, publication date and page numbers Problem Statement Research question and objectives Underpinning theory Research framework and hypotheses (if applicable); Research methods and data analysis Key outcomes and Conclusions
NO 1: Jon Well
No 2:
Part 2:
You are required to read the articles and critically analyse them with an inquisitive to discuss this piece of research work with your own opinion. The following are some questions that may help for your critique:
1. Is the title of the articles appropriate and clear?
2. Is the abstract specific, representative of the articles?
3. Is the problem statement(s) clear?
4. Is the research objective(s) of the articles made clear in the introduction?
5. Is the literature review comprehensive enough?
6. Is the underpinning theory properly used to explain the research framework?
7. Are the experimental methods described adequately?
8. Are the study design and methods appropriate for the purposes of the study?
9. Do you find errors of fact and interpretation?
10. Is all of the discussion relevant? If not, what will be the appropriate one?
11. Has the author cited the appropriate literature?
12. Should some sections of the articles be expanded, condensed or omitted?
13. Are the author’s statements clear?
14. What underlying assumptions does the author have? Is it appropriate?
15. What can be done to improve this research?
16. Or just use the 5W+1H to help you along the way eg. Why is the study important? When and where was the data collected – is it appropriate? Who were the study object – is the sampling appropriate? How is the data being collected – is it in a correct manner? What were the strengths and weaknesses of the study design?
Part 3:
1. Each group is required to prepare a write-up of about 1,500 words (+/- 10% are allowed) (not including references, tables, figures, and appendixes).
2. Proper in-text citations and the use of APA referencing style is required.
3. The assignment MUST be submitted through Turnitin that comes with the similarity report.
If plagiarism is detected (> 20% similarities), Zero (0) mark would be given.
Report Format: –
1. Font type: Times New Roman
2. Size: 11
3. Spacing: 1.5
Sources of Information
Any relevant sources such as official website, text books, journals, articles, magazines, newspaper, interview, etc.
Assignment Marking Rubric
Assessment Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
5 = Outstanding, 4 = Good 3 = Meet standard, 2 = Poor, 1 = Very Poor
Ability to use the appropriate information skill to source articles
1. Appropriate research article selected
2. Demonstrate good use of available resources
Ability to summarise the important points of the article
3. Name of authors, Title of the article, Title of journal, volume number, publication date and page numbers
4. Research question or problem
5. Research objectives and hypothesis
6. Research methods and data analysis
7. Key outcomes
8. Conclusions
Demonstrate critical analysis ability
9. Thorough understanding of the article
10. Provides interesting points and thinking on the research
11. Opinion is well supported by research
12. Able to accurately explain results
13. Able to justify conclusions
14. Possess insights & original thoughts towards the critical design issues in the execution of the project
15. Able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the article
16. Able to recommend improvement
Ability to use the appropriate reporting format
17. Proper citation and referencing style
18. Proper language and reporting structure
Final score (25%)
Any other feedback: