Assessor and student instructions for research assignment:
As the student you are required to:
• Students must successfully research and answer all 10 questions below.
• Student is to complete the questions either handwritten (must be legible) or completed on a word processor and submitted in hard copy form to your lecturer by the due date.
• Students are to talk to their lecturer if they have any questions related to completing the tasks.
• Students are to ensure the Student declaration is signed prior to submission stating all submitted work is their own.
• The student is advised that their performance on assessment 3 and assessment 4 will be compared to authenticate the students work in assessment 4. The student must demonstrate that the 10 similar knowledge questions are answered successfully on both assessment 3 and assessment 4 to determine authenticity of assessment 4. If authenticity is unable to be determined through successful completion of assessment 3, the student may also be deemed not yet satisfactory for assessment 4.
• Adjustments to assessments may be made for you, providing the adjustments comply with set principles of assessment and rules of evidence If you require support for literacy and numeracy issues; support for hearing, sight or mobility issues; change to assessment times/venues; use of special or adaptive technology; considerations relating to age, gender & cultural beliefs; format of assessment materials; or presence of a scribe you need to inform your lecturer. Necessary adjustments can be discussed with the trainer prior to the commencement of the course. Refer to college intranet for Policy and Legislation: http://intranet.smtafe.wa.edu.au/org/cs/services/Pages/policy.aspx
• Refer to the table below as an indicator as to what is required (if applicable) when answering assessment 5 questions
Sentence 1-2 typed lines approximately 20 – 50 words
Short answer or one paragraph 4 typed lines of approximately 75 – 100 words
Long answer or two paragraphs 8 typed lines of approximately 150 – 170 words or ½ of an A4 page
Brief report or four to five paragraphs 1 x A4 page typed report of approximately 500 words.
Assessor Instructions: Students are to adequately answer all of the following questions. If any questions are NOT answered correctly or completely, the student must be provided with feedback and will be required to reattempt the question again and re-submit by a due date to be negotiated with them.
The assessor is required to authenticate the students work in assessment 4 by comparing their responses to similar knowledge questions as those in assessment 3, 10 questions (refer to mapping document for specific details). The student must demonstrate satisfactory understanding of the required knowledge assessed in assessment 3, before a satisfactory result can be given for assessment 4.
If a student requires reasonable adjustment please discuss with your Academic Leader, refer the DAP and to the Policy and Legislation on the Intranet: http://intranet.smtafe.wa.edu.au/org/cs/services/Pages/policy.aspx