PBL 1: Reducing maternal mortality due to sepsis in Uganda
Despite significant investment, much from oversees Aid, maternal mortality rates in Uganda have barely declined in recent years and remain amongst the highest in the world. This failure is particularly frustrating given that a WHO blueprint for reducing maternal morbidity and mortality based on provision of skilled birth attendants and better management of obstetric emergencies, in particular sepsis, is well established. Research focused on improving provision of these resources is likely to have a significant impact, and thus the UK’s National Institute for Health Research is offering up to £5 million over 4 years to support research initiatives in this area. What would you propose to do with this money? A detailed justification of your spending is required.
Write about:
1) What preventive methods can be taken?
2) Sensible diagnostic approaches in Uganda
250 – 300 words max, 10 references Harvard APA (*use sources from 2013 – 2020)