Write a critical reflective essay of approximately 300-400 words (that is between 1-1.3 pages in TNR font 12 with 1.5 spacing) about reasons against the atomic bombing in Japan
4- direct quotations and/or indirect paraphrasing from other sources (also to be cited) should not exceed 20% of your essay.
6- the essay should be 100% of the product of your own writing. Any evidence of plagiarism will have serious consequences, including failing the test and perhaps more.
7- The essay should answer the following questions about the article, resulting in a full essay:
A- What are the main ideas and thesis statement? In your introductory paragraph, carefully summarize the main ideas or points of the essay, ending with a thesis statement of the essay. Remember: A summary of an essay’s ideas and a thesis statement, although they overlap, are not the same thing. A thesis statement is a one-sentence statement that expresses the main idea of the essay.