write a research essay. It should offer a reading of a particular literary text. That is, you should have a clear thesis in which you assert a particular reading of a theme in the text. (see thesis draft guidelines PPT).
You will need to draw on at least 4 scholarly sources..
Your essay should effectively frame quotes: contextualize and draw on quotes from the primary text and scholarly sources. Analyze each quote to guide the reader on how the quote and connect each quote back to your thesis to show how this quote adds to it or modifies it. You will be evaluated on how well you are able to frame your quotes in support of your argument.
Please select your quotes judiciously: ensure they are brief and relevant which you frame. The quotes are supposed to offer evidence for your close reading analysis so that you can build the argument in your own words. Do not rely on the quote itself as a substitute for your work of building the argument by including long quotes after each other as the textual evidence will make the case for you.
Avoid needless repetition of the same point. You should use your sources and main text to build your thesis rather than repeat the same idea several times over without developing it.
It should follow the formatting guidelines of MLA. (Times Roman, double spaced, 1 inch margins, and rules for in-text citations and works cited page).