Racial Wealth Gap and income discrepancies/challenges.
This week’s quiz will be in critical reflection format. Please follow instructions below closely to maximize your time and efficiency.
Read and write critical reflection on “Final Complete Report” PDF
a. You will submit a 3page (min) critical reflection.
i. 12 pt font times new roman, double spaced
ii. No fancy indentations
iii. Include title (be creative if you like)
iv. Do not include your name or my name
b. Choose any 3 (THREE) of the “10 Myths” outlined by the authors
c. Describe them in detail. This should take no more than half to three quarters of a page.
d. In what’s left I want you to come up with realistic solutions and or policies that would help alleviate the racial wealth gap and also address the three myths themselves directly. Be creative with your solutions (think specifically about legal, social, structural fixes) Use at least two outside sources. One of which must be peer-reviewed (a scholarly journal article or book—not the text book!)