Discussion 3 Quality Improvement Hello everyone and welcome to discussion 4. This time we are going to focus on nursing quality improvement initiatives. For this discussion I would like you to go to the NDNQI or the national database for nursing quality indicators and look at the clinical quality/nursing quality improvement under the resources and research tab. You can also just follow this link: https://www.pressganey.com/resources#?t=Select all/none?t=Clinical Quality?t=Nursing Quality: NDNQI?t=Core Quality Measures?t=PatientReported Outcomes (PROMS)?t=Engagement?t=Caregiver Burnout?t=General?t=Patient Experience?t=CAHPS Programs?t=Transparency?t=Nursing?t=Safety? m=Select all/none?m=Articles?m=Knowledge Brief?m=Program Summary?m=White Papers? m=Research Notes?m=Blog?m=Video?m=Webinar?m=Case Study?m=Partners Magazine?m=Report? s=Select all/none?s=ACO/CrossContinuum?s=Acute?s=Acute Care?s=Ambulatory Surgery? s=Behavioral Health?s=Dialysis/ICH?s=Emergency Department?s=General?s=Home Health?s=ICU? s=Medical Practice?s=NDNQI?s=Nursing?s=Pediatrics?s=PostAcute Care?s=Process and Performance Improvement?s=Safety?s=Specialty Services?s=Transparency There are hundreds of articles, webinars, and resources on this website. Please spend some time and find a project/presentation that interests you. Then come back to this discussion and share what the project was, how it involved nursing, the goals of the project, and what the outcome was. Once you have done that, I want you to come up with an improvement project based on a current or previous clinical experience (student or professional). Please do not name hospitals, clinics, or people in your proposal. This is a place for you to think about how you as a nurse would want to improve the field you work in. Your proposal should have all 4 areas of the PDSA cycle in it but remember this is just an idea so you will not actually “do” anything but plan for what you would do, what you would expect, and what you would anticipate from your actions. An example is: Plan Have RN do a chart review of each client in a long term care center weekly to ensure all testing and follow up appointments are up to date. Do The RN reviewed all files weekly for 1 month Study was the number of missed tests and follow up visit reduced? Did the nursing staff report feeling more informed about the needs of the clients? Were there any unexpected results? Act Should weekly chart reviews of client be continued? Do any adjustments need to be made to the process? Another example from my clinical experience is when my place of employment started doing the CCHD or critical congenital heart defect screening. We knew that we were doing them but did not have a way to track and document our results officially. My PDSA cycle looked like this: Plan: I found a state created tracking document for the CCHD screening. It was decided that I could present this at a staff meeting and then all nurses would document the CCHD screenings on these forms when completed. These would then be filed in the office. Do: All the RN’s used the form after they completed the CCHD screening and filed them. Study: After a few weeks we reviewed and all babies born at the birth center had received this screening. The nursing staff also reported feeling more confident in who had received the screening because we could go back and verify at anytime. Act: After this review it was decided that we would continue to use this document to record and track this important data. These projects can be seemingly simple but can have a large impact on nursing satisfaction and client care!
Remember, you are just sharing ideas to get us all thinking about how important nursing is in the quality improvement of healthcare! Thank you all and I can’t wait to hear your ideas!