Use QLMRI to describe a compelling original idea for a followup study based on this article: https://www.iub.edu/~cogdev/labwork/KuwabaraSmith2016.pdf For Method, describe only key aspects of your proposed experiment. For Results and Interpretation, describe predicted outcome and rationale. Be sure to clearly link to the Kuwabara & Smith article in your motivation and interpretation. include… 1. If you did not state the independent and dependent variables, you did not get credit. Explaining the Logic of a study involves specifically explaining what was manipulated/tested and what was measured in order to address the research Question. 2. Be sure to read the question carefully (in assignments and exams) and answer the question completely — if you skip something that is asked for, you will not get a satisfactory grade. 3. It is important to articulate why the question of this study is important or unique. 4. For a QLP, we want to be generous in giving credit, but it is important for the Logic of the experiment to make sense relative to the Question and for the Prediction to be justified.