Consider how automatic components of implicit bias are present in the real world in your personal interactions with others (attitudes and behaviors), such as in conversations with friends or coworkers, or in the media, such as in the news.
Choose two specific personal incidents and one you observed in the media, and, based on information from the Blaine and Brenchley textbook, think about possible causes of the implicit bias you observed and complete the following five tasks (omit identifiers, such as names of people or businesses):
Your Answer
Provide an example of a time when you observed possible implicit bias in a work or social setting, or in the media on a news segment or on an internet source. What cues led you to believe that implicit bias may have played role in this situation?
*Explain two or more possible causes of the implicit bias based on information from our Blaine and Brenchley textbook.
Provide an example of a time where you believe you, a family member, or a friend were stereotyped based on group status and/or social identity. How did you feel when the situation occurred? What if anything did you do?
*Explain two or more possible causes of the implicit bias based on information from our Blaine and Brenchley textbook.
Describe a situation where your perceptions and/or reactions were shaped by implicit bias. Were you aware of the bias at the time or is it something you have considered in retrospect? Explain your thoughts. Were your implicit biases challenged?
*Explain how your insight into the situation can help you in changing or shaping your personal or professional behavior for the future.
Explain two or more strategies that can be used to prevent and combat implicit bias.
*Use professional and scholarly sources to support the effectiveness of the strategies, and cite those sources.
5. Provide the full references for your sources in APA format