TOPIC: Psychoeducation group for adolescents
Group proposal
Individual Group Proposal Paper This assignment is completed by each student
and is composed of 2 components completed o
ver the
first 9 Sessions of the coursed:
An annotated bibliography and a formal group proposal. Facilitation Role Play.
Annotated Bibliography
Each student will de
velop an annotative bibliography to be used in the
construction of their
final group proposal that will include articles on the
valence of and articles on evidence-based group inter
ventions for the
fied issue.
o References Needed: Two chapters from the Handbook of Social Work with
Groups which is expected to be the primary source for the determination of
the type of group, the theoretical underpinning of the group, and issues related to the population being served. In addition, the Annotative Bibliography is to
include 4 peer r
eviewed scholarly journal articles and a website reference
Students are to use correct Annotated Bibliography format from the Se
Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Student is to prepare the proposal as if the student is submitting it to supervisory
management for the agency (ideally at internship) where there has been an
fied need for the group and where it will be conducted.
The following are components of the complete Group Proposal:
Discussion on leadership of groups – each student will complete an overview of leadership in groups and present the type of leadership needed for
the speci
fic group in the group proposal. This section will note the other types
of group leadership and include sources (5 points) AGENCY GROUP PROPOSAL
A. Co
ver Letter: to management of the chosen agency.
velop a co
ver letter on agency letterhead, which de
fines the need for the
group and how it will impr
ve services. This will be written in business style
emphasizing the importance of the group and its cost/bene
fit to the target
population. The recipient of the letter will be someone in the management
team of the agency.
B. Proposal: the actual proposal of your group
1. Executive Summar
2. Introduction to Agency Service Need
a. Brief descriiption of agency including an o
verview of services and
populations ser
b. Describe the issue, identi
fied with your
field supervisor, facing the
agency which your group will address.
i. Report agency data documenting the need
c. Describe the agency client population to be ser
i. Report agency data on size of identi
fied population
3. Literature Review
a. Examine the pr
valence and extent of the identi
fied issue in the
general population
b. Identify evidence-based group inter
ventions for the identi
fied issue
c. Explore which evidence-based group inter
ventions ha
ve been
tested on your speci
fic target population
4. Selection of evidence-based group Inter
a. Which speci
fic evidence-based group will be de
veloped and why.
b. What is the theoretical basis for the group?
c. What are the speci
fic goals/outcomes of this group?
SWK 550: Social Work Practice withGroups
Spring 2022
d. Pr
ovide a brief outline of the sessions describing content, activities
5. Forming Group membership
a. How will potential group members be identi
b. Are the members voluntary or involuntary members?
c. If it is a mandatory group, what special consideration must you
d. What screening and selection procedures will be used?
e. What is your rationale for using these particular procedures?
f. Attach forms for intake, con
fidentiality etc.
6. Describe the logistics for the Group:
a. Meeting time,
b. F
requency of the meetings,
c. Duration of the group- Will it be long term or short term?
d. Is the group open or closed?
7. Group Leadership:
a. Describe style of leadership required for the proposed group
b. Describe speci
fic facilitator quali
fications for your proposed group
8. E
valuation Processes:
a. De
velop an e
valuation that tests the effectiveness of the group in
meeting each of the goals of the group.
b. Pr
ovide evidence-based assessment tools
9. Reference page: in APA format (7th Ed