Prepare and submit a report to a decision maker in your company or to a leader in your community describing a real problem and offering your considered solution to that problem for the decision maker to approve and implement. The problem must be one that you do not have the authority or resources to solve by your own action alone, but the targeted decision maker does.
Your proposal should consist of [in this order]:
1. A Letter of Transmittal (external) or Routing Slip (internal) to a named, real decision maker
2. A Title Page with your name, the addressee’s name and position, the title of your proposal, and the date
3. An Abstract with key words
4. A Table of Contents with page numbers
5. A List of Illustrations listing the titles of your illustrations and their page numbers
6. The core content with headed sections addressing the problem, background, your proposed solution, and implementation steps required of the decision maker.
7. The final section should be a list of at least four external References in APA format. These references must be incorporated in the text in the form of APA-style citations, and you must include at least one sourced graphic (not clipart) that furthers your explanation of the problem. No more than TWO sources can be interviews and there must be at least one other type of source represented (web, book, journal, newspaper, etc).
Grading criteria:
• Begins with Letter of Transmittal if external; Routing Slip if internal
• Addressed to real person and position
• Abstract addresses purpose and summarizes contents briefly; includes list of key words
• Contains all required components (in this order: Letter of Transmittal/Routing Slip, Title Page, Abstract, Table of Contents, List of Illustrations, core contents with headed sections addressing the problem, background, your proposed solution, and the steps required of the decision maker to implement it)
• Contains at least one illustration and four in-text, APA-style citations of at least two types, with no more than two interviews
• Concludes with References page with at least four references (all used in text)
• No grammatical, spelling, or composition errors
• Proper paragraph form