Country: India
1. The idea behind this research is exploring the effectiveness of using evidence-based data in policy and institutional coherence. This paper pushes the frontier of how interactions amongst SDG targets can be understood and taken into account in policy and planning. It presents an approach to assessing systemic and contextual interactions of SDG targets, using a typology for scoring interactions in a cross-impact matrix and using network analysis techniques to explore the data. The paper aims to encourage citizens, government, and companies, policy and institutional coherence in India to monitor progress and drive actions using real-time data.
2. The paper should focus on policy and institutional coherence on SDG partnerships by analysis identifies which targets have most status of interventions, SDG policy debates and literature, Policy and Institutional coherence, Judicial Parliamentary, Neo liberalisation, Trade. SDG targets whether it is helping common people needs and agenda or its achieving political needs. The research highlights the progress made by the SDG from the year 2016,17,18 and 19. Challenges and opportunities that exist in pursuit, and the constructive role of the international community in the data revolution will be unveiled.
1. Identify and define research question(s) of relevance to the c**ore of topic and provide justification for your selection with critical analysis of appropriate theories and literature:
2. Interesting and clearly defined research question(s) identified and very well justified by reference to an extensive current literature and discourse.
3. Develop and execute a coherent research methodology; including appropriate selection of data and methods of analysis. Reflect on the process of doing research including consideration on the challenges and limitations of your project:
4. Demonstrates and details an innovative and well-designed methodology for undertaking the research. And selected methods and analysis.