The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate progress in compiling research and to indicate a methodology for organizing research sources.
Recommended: Before you begin, review chapters 4–6 in A Pocket Style Manual (APA).
Include the following in your annotated bibliography:
APA citations and annotations for three (3) sources you deem relevant to your problem statement (thesis).
Add these three sources onto your work from last week so that you now have a total of six (6) sources
For each source:
Cite the source in proper APA format. The citations should be organized in alphabetical order by author as in an APA References page.
Follow with a brief annotation that summarizes the source (approximately 3–5 sentences). You may quote from the source, but do not copy and paste from the abstract.
In 1 or 2 sentences, explain and evaluate the source’s relevance and significance to your research.
Use an academic tone and style.