1. Prepare a PowerPoint slide that displays the data below using text and charts to depict the data:
a. The Development Review Applications chart should depict applications filed as follows:
• For FY 2019: zoning applications filed totaling 52, subdivision applications filed totaling 21, urban design applications filed totaling 81.
• For FY 2020: zoning applications filed totaling 31, subdivision applications filed totaling 78, urban design applications filed totaling 40.
b. The Information Requests chart should depict Service Contacts as follows:
• For FY 2019: office visitors totaling 1,700, telephone inquiries totaling 2,000, written inquiries totaling 500.
• For FY 2020: office visitors totaling 1,900, telephone inquiries totaling 2500, written inquiries totaling 1,000.
2. Prepare a second PowerPoint slide and present the following information using text and either a pie chart or graph to depict the data:
a. Over the course of the past 5 years, the Planning Department has spent the following amounts on professional services contracts which indicates a significant increase each year:
• FY 2016 – $1,500,000
• FY 2017 – $2,200,900
• FY 2018 – $3,125,500
• FY 2019 – $3,800,100
• FY 2020 – $4,135,000