Case Study: Part 1 You are the Product Manager for the next generation Gmail email client (or whichever email application you are most familiar with). The development team needs you to provide direction regarding what to start working on given limited resources. This exercise is designed to get a better sense of your ability to communicate and your approach to a critical product management task. Put together whatever you can in approximately 60 minutes. We would rather see a few wellthought out requirements than a long list. Please develop a written prioritization of four to six requirements to communicate to the development team what needs to be done. These requirements may include reimplementing functionality from the currentgeneration product, modifying or eliminating functionality from the currentgeneration product, and/or proposed new functionality. Please ensure you: i. Categorize the functionality in a logical manner. ii. Provide justification for why each requirement should be included (this could include parity with the existing product, monetization opportunity, plugging a key competitive gap, etc.). iii. Include any information you feel is necessary to determine the order of priority in which these requirements should be tackled (some of these may be similar to the justification reasons you identified earlier). Case Study: Part 2 Prepare a short presentation (approximately 20 minutes) of the above requirements to the development and product management team on your interview day. These presentations are typically informal and pretty interactive, so plan on answering some questions along the way