Assignment For the oral assignment, you are going to make a video-presentation about the themes of the book and movie. Approach this task as you would an essay, by making clear analysis and arguments in a structured manner- the difference beeing that this is in spoken form. When doing the presentation you need to choose one of the two given themes and create one of your own, with instructions following below. -First, you should discuss what the term THEME means. Before the discussing themes you need to show that you understand what the word means. Rather than just giving the dictionary definition you should give an example or two, which could come from the works Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare or Twilight by Stephanie Meyer, two stories where forbidden love is a central theme. As you move on, using examples from both The Helpand other works could enhance your presentation. – Social expectations (gender, social and ethnic group). Once again, begin by explaining what social expectations are. Afterwards, you should discuss how the expectations put upon the different characters affect them. There are two ‘types’ of characters who take center stage in The Help; White, upper-class women and Black, lower-class women. These groups are expected to behave in certain ways, and your task is to identify what these expectations are and what effects they have on the different characters. Finally, you could try to identify what the story is ‘trying to tell us’ in terms of social expectations, what we can learn from reading the story with these thoughts in mind. When making this analysis it may help to illustrate your points by comparing the Help to other works, and/or to real life today. – Doing the right thing, even if it means that you need to make sacrifices. Again, we can use Skeeter as an example. She has to sacrifice the traditional women’s role including getting married and starting a family, when deciding to publish the book she and Abileen and Minny are writing. Writing also creates a conflict with her childhood friends, which is portrayed as quite painful. There are of course many other examples in the novel/film, and you could, and should, talk about some of these during your presentation. Once again, feel free to compare The Help to other works if you feel this helps to illustrate your points. – Your own theme. You should discuss this theme in the same way as the previous, by finding examples in the story and explaining how these specific events affect the story, and what this might ‘mean’. Remember that you need to support your analysis with examples from the novel/film and your own experience and knowledge. With experience and knowledge, we mean things that you have seen or read, such as other books or films, and or news articles or interviews, etcetera.