Qualіtative Paper Rubriс: 1. Intrоduсtion with 1 concise thesis statement. The introduction should include 35 attention grabbing statements and end with 1 concise thesis statement. /1 point 2. Summarize topic selection for 2 qualitative articles and discuss the relationship to Polуpharmacy in Elderly. One of your articles must be a qualitative metasynthesis or qualitative systematic review. /1 point 3. APPENDIX: (while this is your next step in the paper, it is only included as an appendix to the paper) Critically appraise 2 different types of qualitative studies by selecting the appropriate appraisal tool from the list previously provided. Attach these completed appraisals to your paper after the references. One of the studies must be a Metasynthesis OR qualitative Systematic Review. (The completed appraisal tools are included as an appendix only). You must complete the tool by addressing each question or comment. Be sure to include the title of the study article on the top of the tool. Failure to include a thorough analysis of the article using the tool will result in deductions in this section. /2 points (Choosing the wrong tool for your selected study will result in a 5% deduction. This deduction will apply to each tool/study). 4. Discuss the findings of each study and findings of each appraisal tool by including: (a) research design and data collection process used (b) results of each study and how did the authors enhance trustworthiness, (see chapter. 25 Polit/Beck) (c.) what contribution do the results have in practice? Support with references. 1 points/study for each section (a, b, c) /6 points Total (Additional resources should be used heretextbooks would be at least 1 option). 5. Summarize how the findings from both the quantitative and qualitative studies will assist in moving forward to change health care outcomes in your setting. Clearly indicate a min. of 2 outcome measures that are specific and can be measured in your practice area related to your findings from the articles and original clinical question. Then, discuss how the outcome measures impact IOM aims (include at least 2 aims) in your discussion. /4 points 6. Describe at least 1 perceived political, ethical, economic, structural, or social barrier to moving forward with implementation Your discussion should emphasize why it is a barrier and how the APN can help to resolve this barrier. /3 points 7. Conclusion to summarize main points /1 point 8. Attach evidence matrix to paper as an appendix. Include ALL studies used in this paper on the matrix. Bold or highlight the NEW studies on the matrix. /2 points Total: /20 points DEDUCTIONS: 1. Deductions: A lack of scholarship of up to 20% of the total point value (5 points) of the assignment will be applied to address APA errors, Title or Reference page errors, improper turnitin submission requirements or turnitin/plagiarism concerns, lack of of clarity and conciseness in writing, grammatical and spelling errors, exceeding the prescribed page limit, and poor overall writing skills. For example, an assignment worth 15 points could have a maximum lack of scholarship deduction of 3 points (20% x 15). The amount of the deduction will be at the discretion of the faculty member. 2. Deductions of 5% per article point deductions will be applied for failure to: 1. Attach your article OR appraisal tool to the paper, 2. Selecting the wrong article for the assignment 3. Selection the wrong appraisal tool to use in the assessment of the article. These deductions may be cumulative in nature.
MAX. Page limit: 6 pages excluding the title page, references and any attached appendices or turnitin report. FINAL SUBMISSION of Paper: Title page, paper with references, appendices ( appraisal tools (2) and the selected articles (2) used for the appraisal), turnitin report. Students are expected to include scholarly references with this paper. While you can use your textbooks, you should limit the use of textbooks to no more than 2 resources, all others should be peer reviewed. A minimum of 3 additional peerreviewed references should be included, excluding text books, tools, and the articles used in the appraisals. Rules on References : The 2 studies/articles used may be older than 5 years because some of the specific types of articles you are asked to find can be difficult to locate. However, the other references used to support your paper that were not previously used in the selected 2 qualitative articles, will need to be within 5 years. Tips on Completing this paper: 1. The introduction should include 35 attention grabbing statements and end with 1 concise thesis statement. 2. Your topic selection for these articles should be related to the original clinical question inquiry. At a minimum, you need to choose a topic related to your population, setting, or POI. Example:Original question discussed the use of a pain scale with neonates. I might be able to find qualitative studies related to quality of life, patient satisfaction (in this case patients may be translated to parents satisfaction). While the actual key terms searched is going to vary among quantitative and qualitative literature searches, these studies will all help to support my original discussion. 3. You need to be sure to find 2 different types of qualitative studies to appraise using the provided appraisal tools. Some examples of different qualitative studies include: metasynthesis, ethnography, phenomenology, grounded theory, case studies. While mixed studies do contain quantitative data collection, you can only use that study one time in this courseso if you included a mixed study in the quantitative paper, you can NOT use it for this assignment. At least one of your studies should be a metasynthesis or qualitative systematic review. The appraisals must be attached to the paper as an appendix and can not have any question left blank. 4. When you discuss the findings of these questions, you will be basing this information on the appraisal you did using the appraisal tools. Therefore, you should discuss the type of research design that was used and what the data collection process entailed in some detail. Then, you should discuss how you know that the results of the study are trustworthy (or not), therefore, you should review Chapter 25 of your Polit and Beck book to include some key concepts such as: standards for conduct versus assessment of qualitative research, credibility, dependability, confirmability, transferability, and authenticity, etc. Summarize this section by describing how the results of the studies can be used in practice and if not, why. 5. Applying the results of the both the quantitative and qualitative studies to your clinical question, setting, population, or POI means critically thinking through each aspect of the findings and your clinical practice. Consider what data you could collect from the qualitative studies and quantitative studies to impact your outcome measures. Overall these should impact health care to improve the IOM aims: safety, timeliness, efficiency, effectiveness, equity and patient centered care. Be sure that you first define your outcome measures and then decipher how those measures impact the IOM aims. 6. Barriers exist everywhere. While your ideas may be great and widely accepted, there are always barriers to any project. Consider what barriers you would have with this change; consider the population/patients, setting, administrators, budget, structure of the organization, processes needed to implement changes, etc. when discussing this section. There may be even political agendas associated with mandating changes, so explore all possibilities. 7. The evidence matrix is an important guide to documenting your research efforts. This table will serve as a reference for you now and in the future. If you are going to earn your DNP, you will definitely need to keep a copy of this document because you will use it again. This matrix will serve as a running log of your references and provide you with a brief summary of the study reviewed. Therefore, instead of having to reread each article, you can use this matrix to review the study and determine appropriateness to another assignment. Be sure to use the example posted in the unit. You need to clearly identify which articles are new for this paper by bolding them, highlighting them, or indicating on the matrix in an obvious way that they are new for this paper. 8. The conclusion should summarize each section of the paper. It should NOT state what you wrote, but what you found in each section. For example, you should NOT state something like: First, the clinical question of inquiry was discussed. Then, studies were appraised. Instead, you should include what the main point of each section is in these areas. 9. Include proper headings and APA formatting throughout.