Qualіtative Paper Rubriс: 1. Intrоduсtion with 1 concise thesis statement. The introduction should include 35 attention grabbing statements and end with 1 concise thesis statement. /1 point 2. Summarize topic selection for 2 qualitative articles and discuss the relationship to Polуpharmacy in Elderly. One of your articles must be a qualitative metasynthesis or qualitative systematic review. /1 point 3. APPENDIX: (while this is your next step in the paper, it is only included as an appendix to the paper) Critically appraise 2 different types of qualitative studies by selecting the appropriate appraisal tool from the list previously provided. Attach these completed appraisals to your paper after the references. One of the studies must be a Metasynthesis OR qualitative Systematic Review. (The completed appraisal tools are included as an appendix only). You must complete the tool by addressing each question or comment. Be sure to include the title of the study article on the top of the tool. Failure to include a thorough analysis of the article using the tool will result in deductions in this section. /2 points (Choosing the wrong tool for your selected study will result in a 5% deduction. This deduction will apply to each tool/study). 4. Discuss the findings of each study and findings of each appraisal tool by including: (a) research design and data collection process used (b) results of each study and how did the authors enhance trustworthiness, (see chapter. 25 Polit/Beck) (c.) what contribution do the results have in practice? Support with references. 1 points/study for each section (a, b, c) /6 points Total (Additional resources should be used heretextbooks would be at least 1 option). 5. Summarize how the findings from both the quantitative and qualitative studies will assist in moving forward to change health care outcomes in your setting. Clearly indicate a min. of 2 outcome measures that are specific and can be measured in your practice area related to your findings from the articles and original clinical question. Then, discuss how the outcome measures impact IOM aims (include at least 2 aims) in your discussion. /4 points 6. Describe at least 1 perceived political, ethical, economic, structural, or social barrier to moving forward with implementation Your discussion should emphasize why it is a barrier and how the APN can help to resolve this barrier. /3 points 7. Conclusion to summarize main points /1 point 8. Attach evidence matrix to paper as an appendix. Include ALL studies used in this paper on the matrix. Bold or highlight the NEW studies on the matrix. /2 points Total: /20 points DEDUCTIONS: 1. Deductions: A lack of scholarship of up to 20% of the total point value (5 points) of the assignment will be applied to address APA errors, Title or Reference page errors, improper turnitin submission requirements or turnitin/plagiarism concerns, lack of of clarity and conciseness in writing, grammatical and spelling errors, exceeding the prescribed page limit, and poor overall writing skills. For example, an assignment worth 15 points could have a maximum lack of scholarship deduction of 3 points (20% x 15). The amount of the deduction will be at the discretion of the faculty member. 2. Deductions of 5% per article point deductions will be applied for failure to: 1. Attach your article OR appraisal tool to the paper, 2. Selecting the wrong article for the assignment 3. Selection the wrong appraisal tool to use in the assessment of the article. These deductions may be cumulative in nature.