Synthesize the data to create a lab report. lab report should include the following:
1. Introduction Section
This will provide background on the topic of pollution and the use of Daphnia as an indicator species. You should define each type of pollution and you should incorporate a suggestion of a source for each of the three types of pollutants discussed in this experiment (organic, pH, and salt). This should also include a brief comparison of the two species of Daphnia (habitats where they are typically found and relative sensitivities to pollution).
2. Results Section
In the results section, you need to present the data that was provided to you from the research assistants notebook. This is not a discussion or interpretation of the data, but simply a presentation of the data with only limited text to support that presentation. What is important for the reader to look at in your data? You have been given survival data of the two Daphnia species over 7 days for the three pollutants. You need to analyze those data and determine what the percent survival is of each species at each concentration of pollutant. You should include these percent survival data in a clearly written text paragraph at the beginning of your results section.
Now, using the percent survival data that you calculated, you will produce three graphs and one table for this report. To report the ecotoxicology data, you should make three LC50 graphs in ExcelTM or other data graphing program, which will highlight the survival of the Daphnia for all three types of pollutions tested (organic, pH, and salt). Please note, the two species of Daphnia should be graphed on the same graph for comparison for each pollutant type. For example, one of your graphs should represent the organic pollution data on which you plot concentration on the x-axis (% Na3PO4), survival on the y-axis (as a percentage at Day 7), and the survival of each species of Daphnia as the plot lines. Do not forget these graphs are figures and need titles and figure legends (below the figure!).
Now use your three graphs to determine the LC50 for each species and each pollutant. Make one table of LC50 values for each pollutant and each species of Daphnia that you have calculated from your graphs. By generating a clear table here, properly formatted and including a table title and description (above the table!), your discussion / conclusion will be easier to formulate.
3. Conclusions section
A. Interpretation of Daphnia data:
i. In this section you will interpret your results for the Daphnia. Using your data that you presented in the results section, and your reliable research (peer-reviewed scientific articles), discuss whether or not the results recorded by the former research assistant make sense to you. Does anything seem strange to you in the data interpretation – or does the data match what you found in the literature? Explain why and present your interpretation of why any differences might have been observed.
ii. Based on what you know about Daphnia as an indicator species, discuss the implications of these types of pollutants on aquatic ecosystems.
B. Proposed Solutions:
i. You should also think about what can be done to mitigate the impacts of these types of pollutants on natural environments. Propose specific solutions for each type of pollutant and be sure to back up your claims with referenced examples.
4. References
You will also need to have a reference section with at least five sources (two of these sources must be peer-reviewed…ALL of the sources should be credible.Format with APA formatting and be sure to include in-text citations with an format.
Formatting and Submission
1. Paper formatting
2-3 pages, 1.5 spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt. font