According to Hobbes, the Sovereign is assigned what powers? How extensive are they? Why is such an arrangement necessary?
According to Locke, what is the origin of private property if it is naturally held in common? Does it have its limits?
Locke claims that the fundamental rule for all commonwealths should be salus populi suprema lex (§158). Explain.
Discuss two reasons that Mill gives for arguing that the state should not restrict speech.
According to Smith, why is the relationship between workers and masters contentious?
Section B: Answer one question of your choice, 400-800 words (1-2 pages)
Why are Hobbes’ and Locke’s versions of the Social Contract so different when they have so many similar themes? (Hint: use the themes presented in the lectures, such as but not limited to: the state of nature, a contract or compact, natural rights, powers of the government, and its dissolution, etc.)
Apply Mill and/or Friedman’s principles of liberalism to a contemporary issue of your choice. How well do their theories help us understand politics in 2020? Do they fall short?
Describe Smith’s logic in encouraging the state to stay out of the economy. What benefits is it supposed to give a nation? What else is a free market supposed to be able to accomplish, according to Friedman? Do you think either argument is accurate and/or useful to us?