Describe a health problem that negatively impacts a particular subpopulation in the United States, identify the root cause(s), and give examples where application of Biblical principles have led or should lead to improved health status. You will become familiar with the various aspects of the public health and health care delivery systems in the U.S., and those populations who continue to suffer. By correlating with Scriptural principles, you will understand the continued impact of sin on society. Paper Description: You will explore in detail a health problem that negatively impacts a particular subpopulation, such as the poor, those without health insurance, those marginalized in society (due to race, economic status, immigration status, illness, or other reasons), or another group. The problem may deal with legal issues, ethical issues, professionalism, access to care, quality and appropriateness of care received (or lack thereof), persistent illness, inability to be fully integrated in society due to a particular health problem, or some other issue of your choosing. Identify the root cause(s) contributing to this problem, and give at least 2 examples where application of Biblical principles have led or should lead to improved health status. Build off of those areas and arguments to make your case. Your audience for this Bulleted Policy Issues Paper is a policy maker who is too busy to read more than a twopage summary of the issue. This is not a paper to be published in a journal; it is a paper that will lead to policy change in its final form (the Bulleted Policy Recommendation Paper due later in this course). See the document “How to Write a Bulleted Paper” and sample papers in the Assignment Instructions Folder. This paper is to be short—800–1000 words—and must be written in bullets. While an additional sentence may be necessary to expand upon or explain the primary bullet, more than 3 sentences in a bullet are too many. Think short and be concise. Present your argument, justify it with 2–4 subbullets, and then move on to your next point. Use Times New Roman 12 pt. font with 1” margins and double spaces between primary bullets. Title and References Pages: The Bulleted Policy Issue Paper is to have an AMA style title and reference page, neither of which will be counted in the word count. On the reference page, you must provide at least 3 references, 2 of which may not be assigned readings or the Bible.