The HB 423 – ARNPA/PA Florida Senate Bill is one focusing on controlled substance prescribing Assignment Criteria: For this assignment, build upon Assignment 2 Policy Brief and write an indepth analysis on the selected bill: 1. Select a point of view the master’s prepared nurse will represent in the written analysis (e.g. chronic illness in elderly; reduce hospital readmissions related to rural areas lack of providership; etc.) 2. Make a case for or against the policy change. 3. Select the organization the master’s prepared nurse will represent for this assignment (i.e. legislative staff, hospital chief nursing officer, president of a professional nursing organization, state board of nursing, or a government official, etc.) 4. Follow the topical outline bullets below. Use each bullet as a level 1 or 2 heading for the paper. 5. Search the literature for four (4) evidencebased interventions on the bill or policy of interest. The literature can be individual studies or systematic reviews. A systematic review counts as one (1) intervention. If using a systematic review, report on the review, not on the studies identified in the review. All the studies MUST be intervention studies. Review what constitutes an intervention study. o Identify the databases (e.g., CINAHL, Medline) and key terms used in initiating the collective search for all the studies (not each study) o Describe the bill or policy found in the literature as it relates to the master’s prepared nurse’s state and other states where the bill/policy has been implemented. 6. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’). 7. Include a minimum of four (4) references less than five (5) years old, unless they are classical works as defined by APA, from scholarly peerreviewed journals to support the paper (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory). Instructor may revise these guidelines. Follow the bulleted outline (i.e. use bullets as level 1 or 2 headings) • Introduction (APA does not recommend using the heading Introduction. Use the complete title of the selected bill. o Identify the organization or group represented by the bill o Clearly identify the issue or problem o Provide any evidencebased guidelines or information published on the bill’s issue o Expand on the history of the bill to support the idea and purpose of the bill. • Key policy events (regulatory and legislative). Does any previous legislation or regulation precede this particular issue? Focus on those aspects of the legislation or regulation that relate to financial and or reimbursement effects. Lists are often helpful in this section of the paper • Financial data. Provide financial data (either gathered from your facility or obtained in the literature), and apply the information to the issue as a means of supporting the selection • Key/major stakeholders. Identify and explain the implication of their views. Include the bill/issue sponsor(s) • Social, economic, ethical, legal, and political factors. Identify the factors that may impact the various stakeholders or the decisions related to the issue. You are providing a context of the issue in this section, giving key demographic, financial and/or statistical information or noticeable trends of current studies that impact your issue. This is a substantial part of the analysis. Each topic of this section should be addressed separately. Relate each section to the population of interest selected for the bill or policy assignment • Policy intervention options. Which options are available/relevant to this issue? Include whether there are any current legislative/regulation activities or proposals under consideration and how they relate or differ from what you are proposing/advocating. Offer alternative solutions and make sound reasons that support the alternatives you offer • Proposed recommendation. From the research and analysis, what is the recommendation you propose (e.g. your scholarly perspective supported by scholarly citations)? You are making the recommendation based on the sound points and information provided in the preceding sections of your paper • Nursing implications. Identify the implications for nursing as it relates to patient safety and quality. You may want to conduct a literature review to identify other states or areas where the issue has been addressed. Review their nursing implications for your state consideration • Conclusion