poetry analysis on “immigrants in our land” by baca
Instructions: For the poetry analysis assignment, you will choose any poem from the selections I have assigned in the syllabus (See readings assigned for Weeks 12-15). Make sure the poem has a minimum of three stanzas and four lines per stanza. Your goal here is to interpret and analyze the poem. In your interpreting analysis,
Do pay attention to the literary techniques used in the poem such as figure of speech, symbolism, imagery, metaphor, etc.
Make observation about how the stanzas are connected, both conceptually and poetically.
Make observation about parallel structure, central motif (s) or important themes embedded in the poem. For example, you should ask questions such as: Who is talking? What is the overall message of the poem? What is the attitude/mood of the speaker? what is the setting of the poem, etc.
Read the poem carefully and several times, line by line, stanza by stanza. Paraphrase each line by using your own words. Articulate the words!