Resolution: The US should ban plastic bags
Potential Cons: 1) Plastic Bans manufacturers scale back, 2)Up front cost to shoppers
Potential Revised Cure/Solution: Plastic bags bans enhance the economy: Bans on plastic bags cause an uptick in business for reusable bag manufacturers and lead to increased employment opportunities. Plastic bags are not biodegradable: When plastics bags become litter, they pollute oceans, rivers, farmlands, cities, and neighborhoods. Bans eliminate bags, which equals less litter and less pollution.
Advocacy Speech Cons Paper
By now, you should have completed the Costs of Policy Implementation Brainstorm Discussion.
This assignment will ask you to develop that brainstorm discussion further by identifying 2-3 potential cons related to implementing your proposed policy in your Advocacy Speech. As chapter 5 (pages 87-88) discusses, costs can mean a variety of potential problems that could arise in implementing your proposed policy from monetary considerations, to potential dangers, and disadvantages. For this paper you should research arguments that have either been proposed by others, and/or ones that you have considered, present those arguments that would refute the need for a policy change, and then address those costs in a final paragraph.
Skills Learned:
Demonstrate the ability to distinguish between knowledge and belief, facts and values, and identify faulty reasoning through an understanding of the formal and informal fallacies of language and thought, through writing, reading, and research
Analyze and evaluate a range of evidence used to support various types of claims
Identify the assumptions, biases, and prejudices upon which particular conclusions rely and understand how they may erode sound arguments
Assignment Requirements:
Paper should be 1-2 pages long, 12 point font, Times New Roman, with header
Paper should be 3-4 paragraphs long with a formatted APA Reference page, and in-text citations for a minimum of 2-3 sources
Paper should present 2-3 potential cons, each con is presented in it’s own paragraph, and one final paragraph that either refutes those arguments for faulty logic (fallacies, poor supporting evidence, bias, prejudice) and/or demonstrates how you will modify your solution based upon these potential costs to avoid issues with your policy implementation:
Example template:
Con #1
Con #2
Con #3
Analysis of Costs
Finally, what you write in your final Analysis of Costs paragraph should be included (either in it’s entirity or in summary) to your solutions section of your Advocacy Speech Final Draft.
When you are ready to submit this paper, select Submit Assignment