need a 2 page essay on a topic i can do a science project on.
Science Project
Each student is required to choose and present a science project related to the topics studied in this course. The science project must include an experiment and demonstrate the scientific method. Project ideas must be submitted in writing and pre-approved. You are expected to exercise caution and utilize safety protocols as you would in lab when you perform your chosen and approved experiment. Points will be deducted from your score if you are late or absent for any presentations; attendance to all presentations is required. The time allotment for your presentation is 3-5 minutes; you will be stopped at 5 minutes. This project takes the place of a lab final, and thus, it is an important element of your overall grade in the course. College level writing is expected on your paper. There are 100 Points possible.
Science Project Grading Rubric
Typed Paper
50 Points
o Question to be answered or hypothesis to be tested o Main idea for project
5 points
Introduction (15)
o Complete and accurate description of physics or
chemistry being tested in your experiment, including explanations of relevant concepts and definitions of relevant terminology
15 points
Data & Analysis (15)
o Observations and/or calculations
o Numerical results and/or interpretations of what was
15 points
Scientific Conclusions (15)
o Based on what was learned from the experiment o Statement of proof for or against hypothesis
o Plausible explanation for outcome of experiment o No opinions
15 points
V erbal Presentation
50 Points
Presentation of experiment & results
o Experiment is completed by student – not a random
person on You Tube (20)
o Shows use of scientific method to test a hypothesis
or question (10)
30 points
Verbal description of the physics or chemistry involved in your experiment is accurate
o Correct explanation of relevant concepts
o Correct definitions of relevant terminology
o Is related to your project
o A complete account of the science involved in your
20 points
You may choose to work alone or in pairs (1-2 people per project). If you work with a partner, each person is expected to deliver 50% of the verbal presentation. It is expected that partners will contribute equally to every aspect of the project. Partners only need to submit one paper, with both names on the paper.
Typos (i.e. misspelled word) and errors in writing (i.e. run‐on sentence) will result in a 1‐4 point deduction per error on your written paper.