Part 1: Viewing Log-
In the boxes provided below the video titles, you will write a brief 5-7 sentence reaction to each of the videos you observed focusing on philosophies and governance you saw represented in the classroom. Use the next set of spaces provided to keep an anecdotal record and keep frequency counts. Then provide a brief explanation of how the teaching philosophies and governance you saw represented in the classroom impacted teaching and learning.
HCC Student Name
Grade/age of the classroom being observed
Time and date observation is completed
Name of the teacher being observed
Reaction to Observation #1– First Grade Literacy Lesson
You are observing for evidence of teaching philosophy and classroom governance. For this assignment, you will keep an anecdotal record of the teacher for the duration of each video clip to document your observations; then, you will focus on two different frequency counts over the length of the observation. Explain what your frequency counts are counting. You should use frequency counts to count the number of potential teaching philosophy and governance you saw represented in the classroom.
Anecdotal Record
Frequency Count (write what is being counted and tally how many times you observed):
Frequency Count Explanation: Write a descriptive paragraph about the teaching philosophies and governance you saw represented in the classroom and how it impacted teaching and learning.
Grade/age of the classroom being observed
Time and date observation is completed
Name of the teacher being observed
Reaction to Observation #2– Fourth Grade Motion Science Lesson
You are observing for evidence of teaching philosophy and classroom governance. For this assignment, you will keep an anecdotal record of the teacher for the duration of each video clip to document your observations; then, you will focus on two different frequency counts over the length of the observation. Explain what your frequency counts are counting. You should use frequency counts to count the number of potential teaching philosophy and governance you saw represented in the classroom.
Anecdotal Record
Frequency Count (write what is being counted and tally how many times you observed):
Frequency Count Explanation: Write a descriptive paragraph about the teaching philosophies and governance you saw represented in the classroom and how it impacted teaching and learning.
Grade/age of the classroom being observed
Time and date observation is completed
Name of the teacher being observed
Reaction to Observation #3– Sixth Grade Informational Text Lesson
You are observing for evidence of teaching philosophy and classroom governance. For this assignment, you will keep an anecdotal record of the teacher for the duration of each video clip to document your observations; then, you will focus on two different frequency counts over the length of the observation. Explain what your frequency counts are counting. You should use frequency counts to count the number of potential teaching philosophy and governance you saw represented in the classroom.
Anecdotal Record
Frequency Count (write what is being counted and tally how many times you observed):
Frequency Count Explanation: Write a descriptive paragraph about the teaching philosophies and governance you saw represented in the classroom and how it impacted teaching and learning.
Grade/age of the classroom being observed
Time and date observation is completed
Name of the teacher being observed
Reaction to Observation #4 – High School Math Story Problems
You are observing for evidence of teaching philosophy and classroom governance. For this assignment, you will keep an anecdotal record of the teacher for the duration of each video clip to document your observations; then, you will focus on two different frequency counts over the length of the observation. Explain what your frequency counts are counting. You should use frequency counts to count the number of potential teaching philosophy and governance you saw represented in the classroom.
Anecdotal Record
Frequency Count (write what is being counted and tally how many times you observed):
Frequency Count Explanation: Write a descriptive paragraph about the teaching philosophies and governance you saw represented in the classroom and how it impacted teaching and learning.
Part 2: Reflection-
Write a 1 page (four separate paragraphs), Times New Roman,12 font, double spaced, typed reflection report. The following questions are intended to be a guide for developing each paragraph. Do no submit the written assignment in a question & answer format.
1. How do you feel the observations went? Did you encounter any issues or situations that you would not know how to handle if it were a live classroom setting? If so, please explain.
2. What did you learn for the first time through this observation that you did not know previously about teaching/education?
3. How did this observation experience make you feel about a future career as a teacher?
4. How was this observation different from what you may expect to observe in an early childhood preschool setting?