Choose a lively topic to speak about. This is ″Not an essay″ it is a speech, it will need a few jokes to keep the audience engaged. Written in layman′s terms. The persuasive speech has to be 1. Openly biased 2. About a policy change 3. The thesis statement must contain ″should″ and an agent of action. Don′t say ″We″ should, don′t sound like your nagging people. 4. Main points should follow the cause/problem/solution model The speech must have an actual solution 7-10 minutes long Use an outline sublimated to at least the third level Use the same introduction format A. Attention Getter B. Thesis in a single sentence C. Credibility D. Signpost/preview of main points Requires transitions between main points Requires 5 published sources cited out loud. For ex…According to French Chef Julia from the food network channel…. Requires proof 1st page will be the outline, second page will be the speech