include the following headings:
Write essay:Parental marriage status having an affect on whether or not their children complete college
-Literature review
-Sampling procedure
-Quantitative measures (with subheadings for independent variable, dependent variable, confounds, and mediator/moderator)
-Qualitative study plan
-Ethical issues
-Future research
-Appendices ***This is your survey questionnaire, your consent form, and your interview guide
Compile the work you have done this summer, including the 1) introduction 2) literature review 3) hypothesis statement 3) description of your measures 4) description of your sample and sampling procedure 5) survey questionnaire, 7) description of qualitative study 8) qualitative interview guide and 8) consent form and 9) description on ethics and combine these components together. However, in order to create a complete and cohesive proposal, you will need to you add the following.
A title page with your name and the name of your project
A paragraph on limitations of your project
A section on future directions (how will you extend to future projects)
A conclusion paragraph (summary of what you aim to learn)
A References page
Include HEADINGS and SUBHEADINGS, as well as transitional sentences
Correctly format your paper