Assignment: Using your notes on “Body Paragraph Structure,” 10-Point Must System.doc, and the audio clip provided, write a literary analysis paragraph based on just ONE of the prompts below–choose the ONE that works best for you, and write a great literary analysis paragraph. Don’t forget the work cited page.
Paragraph Prompts:
Chinua Achebe said that “as long as injustice exists . . . the words of James Baldwin will be there to bear witness and to inspire and elevate the struggle for human freedom” (79). Baldwin portrayed just that in “Sonny’s Blues.” Using Sonny as your focal point, discuss his demons and what he uses/does in an attempt to free his mind and soul from the torment those difficulties cause.
In Glaspell’s Trifles, she tied Minnie Wright to various objects in her house, such as the quilt, the canary, and the jars of preserves. You may use these objects, or you may focus on others found in the house, but use two, and analyze how each object represents/symbolizes how Glaspell intended to display Wright to the reader. How does each object show/represent her life/struggle? Make sure to cite the play correctly according to MLA format.