Assignment Instructions:
Please read the below instruction and follow it very carefully please assign a writer with expertise in nursing paper because this paper is very critical and need expert writer.
This assignment is pairs written assignment (two parts for 2 student) my part is the first part so you must focus on the first part. Also make sure when you write the introduction you have mention on brief part 2 student at end of the introduction as thesis.
1. Please note, this is a piece of academic writing and, as such, must include an introduction and conclusion (100-150 words each) and make minimal use of headings.
2. Keep in mind the suggested word count when responding to each question. You are required to include a word count at the end of your assignment.
3. The word count includes quotes (excluding the citation, e.g. Adams, 2015) and headings. It does not include appendices, contents page or reference lists.
4. Please ensure you pay close attention to the marking rubric.
5. A minimum of 20 references should be used (for whole assignment), with a maximum of 3 textbooks and 4 websites. If you undertake an appropriate literature search, you will be able to find many more than this.
6. Utilise the APA (6th ed.) referencing guide for both in-text citations and reference list formatting.
7. Part A will be mind so you must focus on Part A PLEASE (MIND)
8. Part B will be for the 2nd student
Case Scenario
Part A
Mrs. Barlow is a 77-year-old woman living in Melbourne. She was admitted to a medical ward via her GP’s surgery where she presented with a severe headache. In the Emergency Department, Mrs. Barlow, had a full blood screen, an ECG, commenced on cardiac monitoring and was sent for a CT scan. Her past history includes: Hypertension, obesity and diabetes. Mrs. Barlow lives alone in a flat, is active in her church and attends a seniors group once a week. She has two grown up children who live in Adelaide. Her medications include: nifedipine (CR) 60 mgs daily, furosemide 20 mgs daily and potassium chloride 8 mEq twice a day. Mrs. Barlow is on a low calorie and reduced sodium diet. She has been instructed by her GP to take a short walk twice a day, however, her knees get painful and she does not always comply with his advice. When you initially meet Mrs. Barlow you observe that while she appears to understand you, she is having difficulty following your conversation. You also observe that her responses to your questions are at times inappropriate. Her initial obs: T, 36.8, P 106, BP 174/98 mmHg, R 26, Oxygen sats. 96% on room air and BSL 16. She had been prescribed aspirin and was administered TPA (Tissue Plasma Accelerator) in the ED.
Your assignment will need to include the following:
1. Explain the pathophysiology that occurs in ischaemic vs a haemorrhagic stroke. 350 words
2. Mrs. Barlow has been diagnosed with an ischaemic stroke. Taking into consideration her past history and current condition, identify potential complications, providing rationales from current literature. For three (3) of these complications, utilising current literature, discuss:
3. a) The nursing interventions required to prevent or minimise the risks of each complication identified. AND
4. b) How you would monitor Mrs. Barlow in the initial 24 hours of her admission. 1,100-1200 words
Part B
Mrs. Barlow is recovering with no further episodes since admission and is to be discharged with support from her GP, the allied health team and district nurse. Her daughter has flown from Adelaide to support her mother when she initially returns home. This is a temporary measure as she has school aged children, and cannot stay with her mother long term. Her daughter tells you that her mother is not always taking her medication, particularly her furosemide, as she does not like getting up at night to go to the toilet. She also has a preference for eating cakes and biscuits.
You have been assigned to manage Mrs. Barlow’s discharge plan.
· Which topic/s should be addressed in the teaching session for Mrs. Barlow and her daughter? AND who should be involved? 600 words
· In your discharge plan, what would you do to ensure continuity of care following discharge to community services? Provide evidence based rationales for your proposed strategies. 600 words
Marking rubric
Presentation of assignment (10 marks): Clarity of Expression (accuracy, spelling, grammar, punctuation). Correct formatting used. Cohesive writing
§ Shows a polished and imaginative approach to the writing. Fluent writing style. Grammar and spelling accurate. Evidence of a cohesive piece of writing no evidence of separate contributions
Introduction (5 marks) 100-150 words:
§ The broad context of the essay is clear. Key ideas are introduced and defined. Content of essay sign-posted.
Content Pathophysiology for ischaemic vs a haemorrhagic stroke (10 marks) 350 words Potential post‐ CVA complications. Nursing interventions provided for three
§ Comprehensive pathophysiology knowledge displayed, well integrated into discussion. All potential problems relevant to scenario identified and well linked to interventions discussed.
(3) Identified complications, with rationales, including monitoring for the complications identified in the first 24 hours. (30 marks) 1200 words
§ All interventions included are relevant and appropriate. Best practice evidence used well to support discussion. Evidence for monitoring closely linked to current, evidence based sources.
Discharge Planning Identify topics for teaching plan and health care team members involved. (15 marks) 600 words
§ Teaching session needs closely aligned to patient scenario and fully linked to both Nursing and AH team.
Identification of continuity of care needs and supports, with evidence based rationales for your choices. (15 marks) 600 words
§ Identified discharge needs closely aligned to patient scenario and fully linked to both Nursing and AH team
Conclusion (5 marks) 100 words:
§ A clear, concise conclusion is presented which sums up the focus question, key points from the student’s answer, and contextualises this information based on the literature cited.
Referencing (10 marks) Follows APA style (6thed.). Use of broad range of literature and evidence of reading. References no earlier than 2010 to ensure up to date and best practice included. Minimum of 20 references, no more than three (3) textbooks and four (4) websites
§ Has developed and justified ideas based on a wide range (and high quality) of sources, which have been thoroughly analysed, applied and discussed. Uses own words to discuss ideas from the literature. No evidence of plagiarism. Adherence to APA style (6th ed.) with no errors in text or reference list.
§ Must be peer review and academic sources.
§ Provide it with DOI please
§ Must be accessible to open.
§ All references must be Australian sources.
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