THIS IS THE ORGANIZATION : Indian Health Services
Part One First 2 pages should discuss the following:
•What are the organization’s values as presented in a values statement (or otherwise communicated)?
◦Was the creation of the shared values statement done by a select group of individuals or all individuals?
◦How accurate are the values (i.e., single words representing a value or specific actions that reflected a value?)
•What is the organization’s vision statement?
◦How was the vision statement created?
◦How inspiring is the vision statement?
•What is the organization’s mission statement?
◦How does the mission statement clarify the purpose of the organization?
◦How does the mission statement align with the vision statement? With the values statement?
If the organization fails to have any of these statements, explore the organizational challenges that resulted in the lack of these foundational elements.
The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your first post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response.
Part Two pages 3-8 should discuss the following:
•Assess the effectiveness of the organization’s values statement:
◦What is the values statement or what are the organizational values?
◦How was the values statement created? Who participated?
◦How accurate is the values statement when compared to actual behaviors in the organization?
◦What recommendations would you make to improve the values statement and to enhance how it is used in organizational behaviors and decision making?
◦If your organization does not have a values statement, assess key themes from organizational practices that might reflect actual values being used (even if not written) and defend recommendations for how the organization could develop a values statement and enhance organizational behaviors.
•Analyze the effectiveness of the vision statement.
◦What is the vision statement?
◦Do organizational members know what the vision is? Based on what evidence?
◦Do organizational members embrace the vision? Based on what evidence?
◦What recommendations would you make to improve the vision statement and to enhance how well it inspires organizational members?
◦If your organization does not have a vision statement, assess key themes from organizational practices that might reflect the organization’s vision (even if not written) and defend recommendations for how the organization could develop a vision statement and enhance organizational behaviors.
•Evaluate how aligned the mission statement is with the vision statement.
◦What is the mission statement?
◦Are the mission and vision statements compatible? Based on what evidence?
◦What role does each statement (mission and vision) contribute to the organizational purpose?
◦Do the mission and vision statements reflect organizational values?
◦If your organization does not have a mission statement, assess key themes from organizational practices that might reflect the organization’s mission (even if not written) and defend recommendations for how the organization could develop a mission statement, align it to vision, and enhance organizational behaviors.
•Evaluate the effectiveness of the current organizational structure.
◦How would you describe your organization’s structure?
◦Does the organizational structure support achievement of vision, values, and mission? Based on what evidence?
◦What recommendations would you make to better align organization structure with vision, values, and mission? Defend your recommendations with research.