There are two parts (A & B) to this assessment. Part A is the Literature Review. Part B is the critique of the literature.
Part A
There are five major themes that form the bases of the lecture sessions:
- The Challenges Facing the Field of Organisational Change Management;
- Diagnosing Change in Organizations and the Role of Change Agents;
- The Process of Change: Readiness to Change and Designing Change Frameworks;
- Managing Resistance to Change;
- The Role of Leadership and Culture Change during Transformational Change.
Students are required to select one of the themes from the five themes listed above and conduct a review of the literature that relates to that theme. In order to get assistance in writing the literature review.
Part B
From the knowledge gained from the literature review, you are required to write a critique. A critique often refers to a way of approaching other peoples’ ideas – to question, to evaluate, to consider the accuracy and validity of ideas and information. In writing the critique, you are to evaluate: what are the strengths and weaknesses of an idea, response, framework, theory? What are the useful elements; what are the problems? What are the competing perspectives? What could be better supported? In a postgraduate program, students are often encouraged to question and evaluate different viewpoints and perspectives and, in doing so, develop and support their own position. This is your chance to showcase your own thoughts by recognizing the challenges and complexity that surrounds the field of study in organizational change management and add your point of view.
STUDENTS who demonstrate deep learning, critical analysis, referencing reputable authors and integrating contrasting views on the topic from the literature will be rewarded by marks that reflect effort.