One of the key aspects of any business (the business being considered in a
broad sense) is to provide services and/or products in line with customer
demands. Operations Management deals with the design and management of
delivery of these products and services including processes and supply chains.
The study of Operations Management involves every level i.e. strategic, tactical
and operational.
As business consultant, you have been chosen to lead a consultancy project to
support KFC UK senior management team during their 3PL switch project (from
dealing with Bidvest Logistics to DHL-QSL), and you’re required to prepare a
report (of 4000 words) upon taking this challenging assignment.
Questions / Key aspects that need to be covered within the report are: Map KFC both supply chains in the UK and make a comparison between the two
set-ups where you clearly report the key strengths and weaknesses of each one
of them. According to KFC senior management, the move to DHL and QSL was justified.
Do you research and explain the following:
a) What pushed KFC management team to give up on their historical
relationship with Bidvest logistics and get it replaced by two key logistics
service providers?
b) What are the key milestones to be achieved during the transition in order to
be fully ready for the go-live and thus, increase chances for successful
operations execution?
Risk management is one of the key componenets in such a supply chain project.
As a consultant, you were requested to identify key risks that KFC may face in
this transition project and address a relevant mitigation plan for each and every
risk identified. As a business consultant, what are the key lessons learnt from this experience?
Report Structure and Layout and Marking criteria: Cover Page: Your Name and Student Number and the word count. 5%
Introduction: Should explain the KFC crisis in details from tender award to the
go-live. 10%
Map KFC both supply chains in the UK and make a comparison between the two
set-ups where you clearly report the key strengths and weaknesses of each one
of them. Graphs, maps, process flows or any other type of presentations are
encouraged to be used. 25%
A good response should include: a clear map of both supply chains along with
their relevant Distribution Networks across the UK and an explanation that
underlines both set-ups’ strengthes and weaknesses
According to KFC senior management, the move to DHL and QSL was justified.
Do you research and explain the following:
a) What pushed KFC management team to give up on their historical
relationship with Bidvest logistics and get it replaced by two key logistics
service providers?
b) What are the key milestones to be achieved during the transition in order to
be fully ready for the go-live and thus, increase chances for successful
operations execution? 25%
A good response should provide a clear explanation of what are the real
reasons of making such a move, and according to students whether these
reasons are justified from operational and business perspective, the second part
of the response should include the key steps to be strictly followed in order to
ensure a smooth transition to the new 3PL and therefore avoid any negative
impact on the operations execution
Risk management is one of the key componenets in such a supply chain project.
As a consultant, you were requested to identify key risks that KFC may face
during this transition and address a relevant mitigation plan for each and every
risk identified. 20%
A good answer should cover the following areas: a list of the key risks that
can be encountered by KFC on their way to go live, along with their impact on the
business performance. The second part of the answer should include a mitigation
plan to avoid the pointed out risks supported by a clear contingency plan. As a business consultant, what are the key lessons learnt from