OL 211 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric Overview: This milestone focuses on the topics of this week’s lessons: managing and appraising employee performance. Using the material on performance management and appraisals provided in this week’s lesson and the case, in a short paper you should:
Determine the HRM’s role in the performance management process and explain how to ensure the process aligns with the organization’s strategic plan.
Differentiate between the trait, behavioral, and results-based performance appraisal systems, providing an example where each would be most applicable.
Identify best suited appraisal for the Maersk Customer Service – CARE Business Partner.
Identify and describe a variety of performance rating scales that can be used in organizations including graphical scales, letter scales, and numeric scales. Guidelines for Submission: Your submission should be 2–3 pages in length and double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font. Be sure to list your references at the end of your paper. Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Evaluation: Performance Management
Meets “Proficient” criteria and description is well supported and plausible
Determines HRM’s role in the performance management process, including how the process aligns with the organization’s strategic plan
Determines HRM’s role in the performance management process, but does not include how the process aligns with the organization’s strategic plan
Does not determine HRM’s role in the performance management process
Evaluation: Performance
Meets “Proficient” criteria and example is well supported and contextualized
Differentiates between the trait, behavioral, and results-based performance appraisal systems, and provides an example where each would be most applicable
Differentiates between the trait, behavioral, and results-based performance appraisal systems, but does not provide an example where each would be most applicable
Does not differentiate between the trait, behavioral, and results- based performance appraisal systems
Evaluation: Suited
Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses scholarly research to substantiate claims
Determines how to identify best suited appraisals for employee job duties, and supports response with an example
Determines how to identify best suited appraisals for employee job duties, but does not support response with an example
Does not determine how to identify best suited appraisals for employee job duties
Evaluation: Performance
Meets “Proficient” criteria and description is clear and contextualized
Identifies a variety of performance scales that can be used in organizations and describes each
Identifies a variety of performance scales that can be used in organizations, but does not describe each scale
Does not identify a variety of performance scales that can be used in organizations