In a small group or individually, plan a meal consisting of an appetizer or salad, an entrée, a side dish, and a dessert. Each group will write up its menu and nutrient analysis to present and compare with those of the other groups.
1. Write your menu below. Attach the recipes.
2. Do a nutrient analysis of each recipe to determine the kcalories, fiber, fat, and protein.
Kcalories/svg Fiber (g) Fat (g) Protein (g)
Appetizer or Salad:
Side Dish:
3. How do the total kcalories, fiber, fat, and protein for your meal compare to the guidelines discussed in the book?
• 800 kcalories or less
• 10 grams of more of fiber
• About 30 grams of fat or less (emphasizing monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats) for a meal with about 800 kcalories
• About 30 grams of protein for a meal with about 800 kcalories
Light Sauces
1. Prepare one or more of the following light sauces as directed by your instructor.
Papaya and White Raisin Chutney
Yield: 16 servings
6 pounds very ripe papaya, peeled and diced
2 cups onion, diced
1 tablespoon garlic, chopped
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1 cup raisins, seedless
1 cup white wine vinegar
1 teaspoon cardamom
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 bay leaves
2 teaspoons fresh thyme, chopped
1. In a small saucepot, mix all ingredients except thyme.
2. Reduce to a thick paste. Add thyme while chutney is still hot.
3. Let cool; remove bay leaves. Can be stored up to two weeks.
Kcalories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbo (g) Sodium (mg) Chol (mg)
126 1 0 31 8 0
Papaya-Plantain Salsa
Yield: 10 servings
1 plantain, ripe, finely diced
1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 papaya, peeled and finely diced
½ peppers, red and orange, finely diced
½ red onion, finely diced
2 teaspoons cilantro, chopped
2 teaspoons chives, finely sliced
1 cup white wine vinegar
2 teaspoons honey
Lime juice from 2 limes
5 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
1. In a nonstick sauté pan, toast the diced plantain in 1 teaspoon of extra-virgin olive oil until crisp outside and tender inside.
2. In a stainless-steel mixing bowl, place half the papaya, peppers, and red onion. Add the toasted plantain, cilantro, and chives. Reserve.
3. In a food processor, place the remaining papaya, vinegar, honey, and lime juice. Purée until smooth, adding 5 teaspoons olive oil.
4. Add more vinegar if too thick.
5. Strain through a fine sieve into the reserved plantain-papaya mixture.
6. Reserve in refrigerator for use. Lasts about five days.
Kcalories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbo (g) Sodium (mg) Chol (mg)
75 0.6 3 11 4 0
Red Pepper Coulis
Yield: 36 ounces, or eighteen 2-ounce servings
4 pounds red peppers (or substitute other vegetables)
1 ounce minced shallots
1 tablespoon minced garlic
½ teaspoon minced jalapeño pepper
2 ounces olive oil
2 ounces tomato paste
2 each 90-count potatoes, peeled and diced
18 ounces chicken or vegetable stock
2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped
2 teaspoons fresh thyme, chopped
2 teaspoons fresh oregano, chopped
1¾ ounces balsamic vinegar
1. Cut peppers in half and remove seeds. Place on oiled sheet pans and roast in hot oven or grill the peppers. Weigh out 3¼ pounds of peeled, grilled red peppers.
2. Sauté shallots, garlic, and peppers in oil.
3. Add tomato paste and sauté. Do not brown.
4. Add potatoes and stock. Simmer until peppers and potatoes are almost cooked.
5. Add in roast peppers and finish cooking potatoes.
6. Add basil, thyme, and oregano. Cook five more minutes.
7. Purée in a blender.
8. Finish with vinegar and strain through large-hole china cap.
Kcalories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbo (g) Sodium (mg) Chol (mg)
67 2 3 8 26 0
Light Velouté—Fish or Chicken
Yield: 2.5 quarts or forty 2-ounce servings
2 quarts 8 ounces stock, fresh and defatted, fortified
10 ounces evaporated milk
½ teaspoon salt
2 ounces arrowroot
1. Combine first three ingredients and bring to a boil.
2. Make slurry of water and arrowroot. Lie stock.
3. Strain and cool.
Kcalories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbo (g) Sodium (mg) Chol (mg)
22 2 1 2 25 2
2. Please use this evaluation form to judge the appearance and taste/flavor of the sauces.
Appearance Extremely
Attractive Attractive
Unappetizing Unattractive
Papaya & White Raisin
Papaya Plantain Salsa
Red Pepper
Light Velouté
Taste/ Flavor Excellent Taste Tasty/
Flavorful Acceptable
Taste/ Flavor Could Be More Flavorful Taste Did Not Appeal to Me
Papaya & White Raisin
Papaya Plantain Salsa
Red Pepper
Light Velouté
Make a House Dressing
1. Use the following formula as a place to start for developing your own house dressing. Write your recipe below.
Use one part oil, one part vinegar, and about two parts thickened chicken or vegetable stock. For flavor, consider fresh herbs, spices, garlic, vegetables, fruits, high-quality olive or other oil, and vinegar.
2. Taste test at least five house dressings using this form.
Taste/ Flavor Excellent Taste Tasty/
Flavorful Acceptable
Taste/ Flavor Could Be More Flavorful Taste Did Not Appeal to Me
International Cuisine
Plan a meal from an international cuisine such as Indian, Greek, or Caribbean. Use the CIA ProChef Worlds of Healthy Flavors website to find all kinds of information about healthy cooking around the world.
1. First, write your menu below and attach your recipes.
2. Do a nutrient analysis of each recipe to determine the kcalories, fiber, fat, and protein.
Kcalories/svg Fiber (g) Fat (g) Protein (g)
Appetizer or Salad:
Side Dish:
3. How do the total kcalories, fiber, fat, and protein for your meal compare to the guidelines discussed in the book?
• 800 kcalories or less
• 10 grams of more of fiber
• About 30 grams of fat or less (emphasizing monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats) for a meal with about 800 kcalories
• About 30 grams of protein for a meal with about 800 kcalories
4. You may prepare your menu in the kitchen.