Using a breakfast cereal (solid food, but not breakfast biscuits, liquid drinks or meal replacements) food label of your choice, complete the following information.
Please attach scanned copy(ies) or photos(s) of the product label (including the nutritional panel, ingredients list and any nutrient claims that are made).
Ensure the information can be read clearly. This may require up to 2-3 images.
If you are unable to do one of these previous options, type a Nutrition Information Panel table, the ingredients list and any claims made on the packaging into your document.
- Name of product you are evaluating: __________________________________
Predominant ingredient by weight: __________________________________
Serving size: __________________________________
Total number of servings per container: __________________________________
- Define fortification and enrichment of a food product. State how you would identify if a product has been fortified/enriched.
Is the product fortified or enriched? YES NO (highlight/circle one)
If yes what has been added? _________________________________________________________________
- Nutrient Content Claims
- a)What is the FSANZ criteria for the following dietary fibre nutrient content claims?:
‘Good Source’_____________________________________________________________________________
‘Excellent Source’__________________________________________________________________________
Is the product one of the above? If so, which one and justify why using FSANZ criteria. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- b) What is the FSANZ criteria for a vitamin or mineral to be i) a ‘source’ or ii) a ‘good source’?
‘Good Source’: ____________________________________________________________________________
Is the product a ‘source’ or ‘good source’ of any vitamins or minerals? If so, which ones?
‘Good Source’_____________________________________________________________________________
- c) What is the FSANZ criteria for a product to be “Reduced”in energy ( kJs) or nutrients such as fat or sodium?
Is your product ‘reduced’ in any of these nutrients? If so, which ones? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________
- d) What is the FSANZ criteria for a product to be ‘Low’in i) sugar, ii) fat, and iii) sodium?
LOW SUGAR: __________________________________________________________________________________
LOW FAT: _____________________________________________________________________________________
LOW SODIUM: _________________________________________________________________________________
Is your product ‘low’ in any of these? If so, which ones? _________________________________________
Note: You will need to examine the Nutrition Information Panel and compare to FSANZ requirements for these, not just rely on packaging statements
- Define a) ‘Nutrition content claim’, b) ‘General level health claim’, and c) ‘High level health claim’
(pg 57; Whitney et al., 2017), giving an example using calcium for each level of claim.
Are any of these claims made regarding the product and if so what is the claim being made and which category of claim does it lie in?
- Indicate the per serve level of:
Sodium : _______ Saturated fat : ________
Worksheet B
Using the same breakfast cereal food label as for Worksheet A, fill in the blanks to complete the following.
Fill in these numbers from your label and then use them for the left hand column in Step A below:-
Grams of carbohydrates per serving: _____________________________
Grams of protein per serving: _____________________________
Grams of fat per serving _____________________________
Step A: Calculate the total kilojoules per serving as follows:-
________ g carbohydrate x 17 kJ per gram = ________ carbohydrate kJ
________ g protein x 17kJ per gram = ________ protein kJ
________ g fat x 37 kJ per gram = ________ fat kJ
Step B: Calculate the percentage of energy from each of the energy containing nutrients in a serving of the food. Use the numbers from the above calculations you found for energy from each macronutrient and total energy, to calculate the % energy contribution of each macronutrient in the food (Show calculations; replacing X and Y).
energy from carb X
_____________ x 100 = ________ = ____________ % kJ from carb
Total kJ/serving Y
energy from protein X
_____________ x 100 = _______ = ____________ % kJ from protein
Total kJ/serving Y
energy from fat X
_____________ x 100 = ________ = ____________ % kJ from fat
Total kJ/serving Y
** Note: the total percentage of energy from carbohydrates, protein and fat should equal 100% approximately.
Part C Summary
Give a brief overview of the findings of the product examined (ie. statement as to whether nutritional claims were made and if they were justified), followed by suggesting ways in which the information found on food labels may be manipulated by food manufacturers to make the food appear to be more attractive to consumers. This will entail you to look at food labels in general and see how and what techniques etc they use to present product information to manipulate/encourage consumers to buy their products.