This project will allow to formulate and hypothetically develop your own research project. The purpose of this project is for the student to complete all the different steps necessary to implement a nursing research project. This project will be subdivided into 4 different papers that will be submitted throughout the entire semester. The final paper will be the combination of the four areas. Please see separate file items for each phase specific instructions Phase 1Planning Phase 2Design Phase 3Implementation Phase 4Results Final submission Phase 1 is the planning stage of a research project, students are to prepare a 34 page paper identifying a specific topic that you would like to investigates and relates to transitional nursing. You will provide a brief introduction of the situation utilizing published nursing research articles to support your statement. This paper will also include 1Introduction to the Problem 2Clearly Identify the Problem 3Significance of the problem to Nursing 4Purpose of the research 5Research questions 6Master’s Essentials that aligned with your topic see attachment Phase 2 Perform a brief literature review on the topic (Will need at least 5 supporting articles) and provide the desired methodology for the project. Paper will be approximatively 56 pages. Include: Methodology and design of the study (Be as detailed as possible) Sampling methodology Necessary tools Any algorithms or flow maps cretaed Phase 3 of the research project is the implementation phase. The implementation phase will be written in future state as we will not be implementing the actual project. This phase focuses on providing steps by steps instructions on how the program will be implemented, a table describing the time frame of the project, if there is any budget that needs to be taking into account, and any resources or statistically tools required. The length of this paper should be around 56 pages. Phase 4 is all about results, this part of the paper will be based on hypothetically analysis. Meaning since we will not be actual implementing the process, the results described will be based on whatever the students would like the research results to be. You will need to provide results for all of the statistical tools mentioned and provide descriptive data (demographics of the population, different descriptive data points, etc.). Make sure to also include research limitations to improve for future studies. Approximetaly 6 pages. The final submission is basically the combination of the other four phases into one paper. This paper will need to be corrected with all of the feedback provided form previous papers. Include on this paper a conclusion and learning experiences from the essentials and from the class. 23 pages Grading grid Focus:
The text focuses on a topic to inform a reader with ideas, concepts, and information that creates a unified whole. The text clearly focuses on a compelling topic that informs the reader with ideas, concepts, and information that creates a unified whole. Development: The text presents facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, and examples. The text provides a conclusion that supports the topic and examines its implications and significance. The text provides significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations and/or examples that thoroughly develop and explain the topic. The text provides an engaging conclusion that supports the topic and examines its implications and significance. Audience: The text anticipates the audience’s background knowledge of the topic. The text includes formatting, graphics, and/or multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. The text consistently addresses the audience’s knowledge level and concerns about the topic. The text includes effective formatting, graphics, and/or multimedia that enhance comprehension. Language and Style: The text presents a formal style and objective tone and uses language, vocabulary, and techniques such as metaphor, simile, and analogy to manage the topic. The text presents an engaging, formal, and objective tone. The text uses sophisticated language, vocabulary, and techniques such as metaphor, simile, and analogy to manage the complexity of the topic. Cohesion: The text explains the relationship between ideas and concepts. The text includes appropriate and varied transitions and syntax. The text strategically uses words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of text. The text explains the relationships between the topic and the examples and/or facts. Conventions: The text demonstrates standard English conventions of usage and mechanics while attending to the norms of the discipline in which they are writing (MLA, APA, etc.) The text intentionally uses standard English conventions of usage and mechanics while specifically attending to the norms of the discipline in which they are writing (MLA, APA, etc.).