The student described the approved nursing topic, explained the reason that the topic was important and selected by the student, and how the topic related to the core nursing competency of teamwork and collaboration.NOTE:This information should be included in the introduction paragraph and in the student’s own words using professional academic writing style.
2. Expository Writing(possible points=36): The explanation and discussion of the topic and how the topic related to teamwork and collaboration were supported using the approved evidence-based resources. The student connected current and relevant evidence to nursing practice in the discussion. No bias was noted in the discussion. No rhetorical questions were posed by the student
3.se of Resources Appropriately(possible points=22):The student used citations to support and reinforce the discussion using APA formatting rules. Direct quotes were used only if relevant and meaningful to the discussion. The student did not begin OR end any paragraphs with a citation and followed all citations with an explanation of the significance of the citation. The Turnitin Similarity Report reflected less than 25% similarity with all highlighted areas correctly cited.
4. Sentence and Paragraph Structure(possible points=18):The paper flowed logically through a progression of ideas and discussion points. Each paragraph addressed a separate idea or focus of discussion. Paragraphs were bridged smoothly and balanced in length. Sentences were clear, complete, and fully developed. The paper met the required content length
5. APA Formatting, Grammar and Spelling(possible points=12):A spell check and grammar check was utilized, and the paper was proof-read resulting in NO spelling or grammar errors. APA format was followed: Title page, Reference page, and in-text citations. No contractions were included. No jargon or idioms were used. All abbreviations were written out the first time used.
6.Plagiarism Any Issues of plagiarism will be addressed, regardless of intent (intentional OR unintentional). This includes both blatant issues highlighted in the Turnitin report as well as items noted that were not highlighted by Turnitin. NOTE:Any identified plagiarism issue will result in a zero for the assignment, a completion of a Professional Behaviors Form to be placed in the student’s file, a meeting with Faculty to discuss the issue, and depending on the result of the meeting and/or severity of the offense, an additional meeting with the Dean may be required to decide if the event will need to be reported to the college.