· First, complete the Holistic Nursing Module and read chapter 20 in the Blais and Hayes Textbook. · Then choose two Complimentary and/or Alternative Modalities. You will need to “sign up” for these-(see sign up in the content area) so that not everyone does the same thing and we get a variety), first come first served, don’t delay or you may not get your preferred choices. · Next, experience both of your chosen CAMs, the experiences must be: · completed during the term, not be experiences you have had in the past · completed at least a week before the CAM PowerPoint is due (see calendar for due date) · done for or on yourself and for your benefit-these cannot be modalities you have simply observed on patients or others · Finally, Create a PowerPoint presentation to address each of the content areas listed in the below rubric. Include at least three peer-reviewed sources of literature for each modality (see the content area of D2L if you are not sure what constitutes peer-reviewed) Element Element Fully Addressed Element Partially Addressed Element In-sufficiently Addressed Pts Poss Pts Earned · Introductory slide-provides an overview (1 pt) 32 · Provide a definition and description of each chosen CAM (3 pts) · Includes at least three peer-reviewed sources for each therapy (6 pts) · Include why you chose to experience each particular modality (3 pts) · Describe* each of your actual CAM experiences (what did you do/experience for each?) *Note: provide enough detail that the PPT viewers could visualize/replicate the experiences (6 pts) · Describe what you thought of each of your experiences (positives, negatives, would you experience again? (3 pts) · Describes what type of patients might benefit by each therapy (use peer reviewed sources to back up) (3 pts) · Describe benefits as well as any limitations to therapies such as: contraindications, risks, adverse/side effects, financial limitations, allergies, time constraints (e.g. heat/ ice should have a time limit), etc. · (use peer reviewed sources to back up) (3 pts) · Describes how nurses might incorporate each modality into nursing care (3 pts) · Conclusion reviews major points (1 pts) Format · APA including citations and reference list · Free of spelling, typographical, and grammatical errors. 3 PowerPoint Design · Professional, attractive, interesting, appropriate font size & amount on slides · Uses images, photos, diagrams, graphs, etc. to help add interest/explanation *See notes below regarding 5 Total Points 40 *Images you use in your presentation must be Creative Commons (CC) or Copyright free and must be given proper attribution (citation). Follow these steps to ensure that you have both of these requirements: 1. Find your images at sites that have CC licensing or are open sources/copyright free: · https://search.creativecommons.org/ · https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/29508?hl=en · https://www.flickr.com/creativecommons/ · https://www.bing.com/discover/creative-commons 2. Provide proper attribution for your images-a must: · How to give attribution · Best practices for attribution · If image is not a CC image, must state “courtesy of” and source