Assessment task link to unit learning outcomes:
Assessment Task 1 links to the following learning outcomes: 1. develop their understanding of key concepts in primary school mathematics and numeracy teaching 3. plan for effective teaching that supports children’s learning 5. use and integrate learning technologies (e.g., calculators, interactive whiteboards, and tablets) in teaching 6. consolidate personal numeracy and statistical literacy.
Details of task: Part A (equivalent to 800 words)
Survey your home, local environment, and community to identify scenes that can prompt mathematical investigations that are relevant for primary school children. Produce a visual recording of these scenes (photos or video). Select four photographs or short 10 second video snippets that provide a stimulus for children to explore the mathematics apparent in the photo or video. For each visual-recording/investigation, identify for parents: the underpinning mathematical concepts or proficiency; the questions the parents can ask to prompt the noticing, inquiry and discussion.
Part B: Alternative 1 (equivalent to 1200 words)
Select one of your photos/videos and set of prompts to explore further as your own personal Numeracy Inquiry of appropriate challenge. Produce a written (or approved alternative format) report about your own numeracy inquiry that includes: An abstract (a brief description of what you did and what you achieved); aims of your numeracy inquiry; method of investigation; observations and results; discussion of relevance of results; conclusion; references, bibliography and acknowledgements. Reflection: Write about what aspects of the AC: Mathematics or Victorian Curriculum content and proficiency strands that your inquiry enabled you to explore and learn about.
Part B: Alternative 2 (equivalent to 1200 words)
1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. Attend the judging of Maths Talent Quest (Latrobe University Thursday 24 August – Tuesday 29 August 2017) and judge five projects. Please visit: Produce a written report that describes and discusses your experience of reviewing and judging the MTQ entries, and the knowledge you gained about the role of mathematical investigations in children’s mathematics learning. Include in your report: an overview of the context and objectives of the Maths Talent Quest; a synthesis of your observations, insights, and reflections during the reviewing and judging process; and a critical discussion of your insights about the role of mathematical investigations in children’s mathematics learning that is referenced to relevant research and professional literature.
Word count/equivalent: 2000 words
Weighting/Value: 50%
Presentation requirements: Assessment Tasks are to be uploaded onto Moodle by the due date and time. All reports must be of a professional standard and include headings including assignment title and author’s name, use 12 point font, be clearly-structured, well-expressed, and clearly proof-read. Referencing conventions must adhere to APA 6th edition and include accurate bibliographic details. Individual assessment in group tasks: Not applicable. Criteria for marking: Part A Selected photos/video snippets provide a clear and relevant stimulus for rich mathematical investigation for families. The mathematical questions and prompts are focused and relevant. You have identified the relevant underpinning mathematical concepts or proficiencies. You have provided appropriate questions that parents can ask to prompt the mathematical noticing, inquiry and discussion. Part B (1) You provided a clear abstract of an appropriately challenging mathematical investigation and clearly outlined your aims, method, and findings. You provided a critical discussion of your findings and their relevance and an appropriate conclusion. You provided a critical discussion about the aspects of the AC: Mathematics or Victorian Curriculum content and proficiency strands that your inquiry enabled you to explore and learn about.
Part B (2) You provided an overview of the context and objectives of the Maths Talent Quest. You provided a synthesis of your observations, insights, and reflections during the reviewing and judging process. You provided a critical discussion of your insights about the role of mathematical investigations in children’s mathematics learning that is referenced to relevant research and professional literature. Communication Your English language proficiency standard, including grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and sentence structure demonstrates clearly-structured, well-expressed, clearly proof-read, and coherent development of ideas of a professional standard. Your standard of academic literacy demonstrates clear organisation of ideas in response to the task, proper style, voice, and referencing conventions using APA 6th edition and accurate bibliographic details. Title: Lesson planning task Due date: Sunday 22 October 2017, by 11.55 pm Assessment task link to unit learning outcomes: Assessment Task 2 links to the following learning outcomes: 1. develop their understanding of key concepts in primary school mathematics and numeracy teaching 2. examine personal assumptions about mathematics and numeracy teaching and learning, reflecting on contemporary discussions in the research, professional, and wider communities 3. plan for effective teaching that supports children’s learning 4. authentically, efficiently, and effectively assess children’s mathematics and numeracy learning using a range of techniques. Details of task: Part A. (equivalent to 1000 words). Gaining Insights about Students’ Current Knowledge in Order to Plan Effective Mathematics Lessons
1. 2. 1. 2. Assess a child using the MAI and analyse their responses to determine their growth points in number (Counting, Place Value, Addition and Subtraction Strategies, and Multiplication and Division Strategies). Based on the child’s identified growth points and their next learning targets in each number domain, identify or design an open task that would enable this child (and the rest of the class) to progress their learning along the growth point framework. For the open task, identify: the key mathematics concepts and proficiencies that the child will have the opportunity to develop; key questions/prompts that the teacher can ask to assist the child to construct knowledge; and enabling and extending prompts for the task. Part B. Lesson Design (1000 words) Describe the lesson structure and pedagogy that a teacher might plan that uses this open task as the main learning activity. In particular, explain and justify, with reference to appropriate research literature and scholarship, the key elements of the lesson structure, the key pedagogical actions that the teacher would implement, and how the teacher would organise the students and classroom environment for learning and teaching. Any additional details for the assignments will be provided in a document and posted on the EDF5032 Moodle website. Word count/equivalent: 2000 words Weighting/Value: 50% Presentation requirements: Assessment Tasks are to be uploaded onto Moodle by the due date and time. All reports must be of a professional standard and include headings including the assignment title and author’s name, use 12 point font, be clearly-structured, well-expressed, and clearly proof-read. Referencing conventions must adhere to APA 6th edition and include accurate bibliographic details. Individual assessment in group tasks: Not applicable. Criteria for marking: Part A You successfully assessed a child using the MAI and analysed their responses to accurately determine their growth points in number and learning targets. You identified/designed an appropriate open task that would enable this child (and the rest of the class) to progress their learning along the relevant growth point framework.
3. 1. 2. 1. 2. For your open task, you clearly identified appropriate: key mathematics concepts and proficiencies; key questions/prompts that the teacher can ask to assist the child to construct knowledge; and enabling and extending prompts. Part B You provided a description of the lesson structure and pedagogical actions that a teacher might plan when using your open task as the main learning activity. You clearly explained and justified, with reference to appropriate research literature and scholarship, the key elements of the lesson structure, the key pedagogical actions that the teacher would implement, and how the teacher would organise the students and classroom environment for learning and teaching. Communication Your English language proficiency standard, including grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and sentence structure demonstrates clearly-structured, well-expressed, clearly proof-read, and coherent development of ideas of a professional standard. Your standard of academic literacy demonstrates clear organisation of ideas in response to the task, proper style, voice, and referencing conventions using APA 6th edition and accurate bibliographic details.