TOPICS Students will review a relevant cytopathology topic area and discuss current and emerging ancillary relating to it. The topic is negotiated with the Cytopathology coordinator. The following topics are suggestions. Topics for Post-Graduate Students GYNAE – Vulval, Vaginal and Ovary Cytopathology NON GYNAE – Thyroid FNA Cytopathology – Breast FNA Cytopathology – Salivary Gland FNA Cytopathology Topics for Under-Graduate Students Updates in The use of Ancillary Test in Cytopathology (Special stains, EM, Immuno- and Molecular methods GENERAL PRESENTATION 1. All pages of the essay must be either attached to each other, or be submitted in a bound folder. 2. Type on one side of each page only. 3. Leave a margin of at least 25mm down the left hand side of each page. 4. Line spacing must be at least 1.5 5. When submitting online Turn-it-in, your file must be labeled and titled in the following format: SURNAME _ASSIGNMENT NAME _ ALMCYTO2017 (e. JONES_ESSAY1_ ALMCYTO2017 FORMAT Your essay should consist of the following parts: TITLE PAGE Title, Course details including Course Coordinator, your name, student number and date of submission ABSTRACT and KEY WORDS This should be on a separate page. In approximately 100-50 words provide a summary of the content of your essay. Between 3 and 6 key words should be listed below the abstract. These words should indicate the major points covered in your essay. CONTENTS A separate contents page must be included. This will help you organise your work and assist in our assessment. ESSAY PROPER Your essay should commence on a new page and clearly have the following sections: Introduction, body and conclusion. It is recommended that within the body of the essay you use headings and subheading. References should be included throughout the text and all references used included at the end of the essay. LMP CYTOPATHOLOGY LITERATURE REVIEW INSTRUCTIONS REFERENCING This should commence on a new page. The format for referencing must be in the Vancouver style . The preference is for references not to be superscripted, rather bracketed at the end of the sentence i.e. (1). Please refer to the points below and to the RMIT library online section on referencing. Pay careful attention to the way in which you reference your work. Every reference should be fully referenced including an author, a title of the paper, chapter, report or book, the journal or publisher with appropriate reference details such as the journal volume, edition and page numbers, or the publisher and year of publication. In general, you will reference every 100-250 words. You should not reference in the abstract or in the conclusion sections. Wikipedia should NEVER EVER be used as an academic reference. Similarly, a web address is generally not a reference for a literature review. If you happened to retrieve a paper from a web address, you need to reference the paper fully but the web address in incidental and should not be included. If you need to reference a website – for example because you intent to draw attention to a service being provided (rather than backing up an academic point you are making) the reference still needs a name, and author or sponsoring organisation, and the date on which you retrieved it. This is also used for documents on the internet. Always go to the original source, for example if one article is citing a point made by another make sure the point made was a correct interpretation – it is not always the case – and cite the original source of the information. Most of the references you use should be from the peer-reviewed literature. Even if you retrieve these from electronic sources the .urls change, so you should always use the academic reference points (year, volume, edition, page numbers). Please leave out the .url unless it is the ONLY way to find the document. Government reports and so on also have a publisher, year and place of publication and ISBN/ISSN, and usually also an author – you just need to hunt for it or ask a librarian for help. The choice of references should attempt to cover different viewpoints Students should adhere to these guidelines as marks will be deducted for poor referencing. LENGTH Approx 1500 words (not including tables, references, abstract). Exceed or below 10% of the word limit will be penalised.