Description: NeutronGamma discrimination techniques working with organic scintillation detectors are widely used in the applications involving fast neutrons. However, the performance of these systems is limited at low scintillation light outputs. In this project, we aim to improve the discrimination performance of the system at small light outputs by taking advantage from coincidence information between signals from a liquid scintillation detector and a plastic/ liquid scintillation detector placed at a distance from each other. The information on the timeofflight of the events between the detectors will be combined with the results of the pulseshape discrimination to more effectively identify the neutron and gammaray events. • 20 pages, ( excluding the contents list and references appendices. • The dissertation must be presented in academic English • page layout, the lefthand margin of the page should be at least 1″ (25mm), the top margin (including page number) 1″ (25mm), the righthand margin also 1″, and the bottom margin 1″ (25mm). • Clear font such as Arial. The text should be l.5/double line spaced. • If using acronyms must explain what they stand for • References at least 20 – no specific referencing style. For example, Harvard, IEEE or Vancouver styles are all acceptable.