According to the National Center for Education Statistics (2011), at least 28% of children have experienced bullying during middle school. An important component of preventing bullying is awareness of the problem and how to react when it occurs.
Create narrated newsletter or public service announcement that discusses the issue of bullying for parents and teachers to inform them of the signs, symptoms, risks and effects of bullying.
Utilizing the terminology and information from your reading create a school newsletter with in text citations that includes: (Please use terminology, concepts, models, and theories from the reading that are applicable to the topic, as well as your own thoughts and ideas in each of the responses.)
1. What are the different types of bullying? How does bullying behavior look different based on gender?
2. What are the warning signs that a child is being bullied or is bullying others? Discuss the social-emotional, cognitive, and physical signs.
3. What characteristics make someone most vulnerable to being bullied?
4. How does the age at which bullying begins impact a person’s development? Explore physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development (i.e., the brain, social relationships, familial relationships, learning, etc.).
5. What is happening developmentally during late childhood and early adolescence that might increase bullying and succumbing to peer pressure? What might drive the bully to engage in this type of behavior?
6. How does Erikson’s theory apply to the bully, the victim, and the bystanders? What other theory(s) may also explain the bullying behavior?
7. What are some ways bullying can be prevented?
8. What role do bystanders play in bullying?
Further Information:
Utilize at least 3 credible and academically appropriate references. Proper APA formatted in text citations and a full reference list at the end of the newsletter should be included in this assignment.
Some technology suggestions for created a narrated presentation include, but are not limited to: Screencast-o-matic, PowerPoint narration, iMovie, Animoto, etc.