It’s time for you to have a little fun with other areas we choose to listen to. You are first going to choose film scores or soundtracks from two different movies. If you choose to use the files provided in week 7, that is fine. There are only two provided and they are both from West Side Story. How do these songs help tell the story? When you deal with musical scores the songs are all about telling the story via main characters or cast.
Neither of your two film choices have to be a musical. It may help you in understanding the story, but a musical is not necessary. So, choose two films and then two songs from each one that you believe set up a scene or action in the way it was intended. Could the music been different to accomplish the goal of the scene, in your opinion? Is there one particular film or score you felt “made” the film what it is? Explain your view. How did the music change to get your attention? Was there tension created because of dissonance? What did the music do to get your attention and tell the story in a way that made you take notice? If you are able to share a youtube clip with the song, that would be great. I know it’s not always possible. Just do the best you can as I like to listen to the clips as well.
Finally, you are to choose one song, but two completely different versions of it for our small work on Rock this week and these versions must come from Youtube. I also teach a course in American Popular music, so I’m at least glad this text touches just a bit on other genres of music too. For example, Nine Inch Nails and Johnny Cash both have a version of “Hurt”. Just make sure one of your versions corresponds to one of the styles discussed in Section X. Discuss the differences in your pair. This is all about style.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR4DjYczINM Nine Inch Nails
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aF9AJm0RFc Johnny Cash
When you are finished, your log will have 5 total songs. Two films with two songs from each and then your one song with two versions from Youtube.
Week Seven Listening Files
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· Audio
· Download audio file: 130 Bernstein-Sondheim_ West Side Story, _America_.mp3
· Audio
· Download audio file: 2-131 Bernstein-Sondheim_ West Side Story, _Tonight_.mp3