Completing This Assignment:
• The student will visit one of three options related to U.S. historical events between the 1500s-1865: 1. A local museum. 2. A National Park. 3. A befitting video website walking video tour or suitable YouTube link of a Museum or National Park related to U.S. historical events between the 1500s-1865. Regardless of whether the student chooses to physically visit a location or view a site via a weblink route, it is required that they submit a request proposal (via the Mod. 4 Proposal assignment) to the course instructor seeking formal approval before taking the next steps in completing the Mod. 7 writing assignment.
• Following the site visit, using the available assignment template, the student will then type a double space 12 point Times New Roman font reflection (700-800 words) answering the following questions… How is this historical site relevant to events within the 1500s-1865 and the area now known as the United States? What historical information did you learn from this visit? What historical event or events were covered via this site? What (i.e.) artifacts and/or other displayed items were interesting to you and why? In other words, what stood out about this place and why? How did the site help you appreciate history?
• The title page and reference page do not count towards the total page count.
• A key purpose for this assignment is to display and determine what aspects of the location impacted the student and how much the student personally learned while visiting a chosen location. Thus, a clear majority of the body-content of the paper should be written solely in the words of the student. Some information for the paper can be BASED from chosen befitting outside sources, but, again, the body-content should dominantly come from the student’s personal thoughts and experiences resulting from the given location visit. Outside source content may be incorporated within the paper, but should NOT dominate (in verbatim form) a large portion of the write-up. Any borrowed statements from these sources must be placed within quotation marks, properly cited in Turabian format, and these sources must be included (in correct Turabian format) within a closing bibliography section.
• When you are finished, your assignment must be:
o In a Microsoft Word (or compatible) document
o Formatted, including:
12-point Times New Roman font
1-inch margins
Page numbers placed at the bottom center of each page of text (not including the title page)
o Proofread carefully to ensure it is written in scholarly language with no grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors and conforms to the standards of mechanics and style expected at the university level.
o A Turabian Quick Guide is available in the Course Content site to aid students in completing citations as accurately as possible.
• You must use the template for the assignment provided in Assignment site.