Full movie : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM4SHvHjXZA
Write an essay with a strong thesis statement. Provide research to support a strong thesis.
Thesis goes somewhere in the Introductory paragraph and must contain literary terms such as symbol; theme; irony; setting; allusion; paradox, etc. You cannot cover all literary elements, so choose wisely and cover academically.
Underline the full thesis statement. If you cannot find your own thesis, I can’t.
Do not announce what you will do in the paper or write a purpose statement — See Lester or Google examples of a thesis.
Do not write a dictionary meaning in your paper. Dictionary meanings will not help you in literature; find out the literary meaning; do not put it in the paper as I already know the literary meanings and including them in the paper is only fluff; just know how to apply the literary meaning.
Highlight 2-3 transitions within every paragraph and from one paragraph to the next in a consistent color of your choice. Transitions will help you have unity, coherence, organization, and will allow the reader to follow you. The minute you can not come up with a very bare minimum of two transitions in each parargraph, that is your clue that something is seriously wrong on your part : weak passive voice, ideas just don’t go together, critical thinking issues, grammar problems.
Double space the response, even Works Cited and Works Consulted. I cannot read single spaced papers and will not attempt to do so. IT can assist students in this matter. It is not enough to assume the paper automatically double spaced — after you submit it, go back to make sure that Blackboard did not change the spacing. Again, I will not try to read single spacing or strange looking spacing.
Paragraphs must be 5 to 7 related, complete sentences each, no less/no more. Doing bare minimum work usually leads to bare minimum grades.
People who get As and Bs generally do more work than bare minimum research, writing, critical thinking, editing and revising.
Quote from and document the short story, film, and a minimum of three college level literary critics in MLA format to support the thesis and the claims you make. There are no excuses for not using MLA.
The story is your primary source, not a critical source, so it does not count toward the bare minimum of sources from which to quote.
Quote at least once from each secondary source/college level literary critics — again, this is bare minimum.
Check the credentials and/or expertise of the person whom you are quoting. See Forum I directions and hints for an example
Do not use web sources that have no authors, titles, or that are missing other essential copyright information. Likewise, do not use sources that are notes, plot summaries, or that come from questionable web sites like Crystalinks, Schmoop, Dogpile, She.Knows, Cliff Notes, Monarch Notes, Wikipedia, blogs, Grade Saver, Lit Charts, or other cheat sites, etc. When in doubt, check the home pages or about us pages. If a source is missing copyright information, you probably should not use that material. I certainly wouldn’t. Quotes cannot take the place of your critical thinking; quotes should enhance your critical thinking, not replace it.
Do not write in the first person — I, me, my, myself, mine, we, us, our, ours ourselves. The paper is to be about the story, not you.
Do not write in the second person — you, you’re, yourself, yours, yourselves — the paper is not about the reader.Use the third person only.
Use the free copy of Lester 15th edition that I posted and include the edition and page numbers you use on the Works Cited Page; put it under Works Consulted.
Use college level scholarly sources only.
Provide unity and coherence by making sure you have two to three transitions per paragraph and from paragraph to paragraph. The reader can follow you and your paper will have impact. Do not repeat any of the transitions; find new ones. See Guidelines and They Say, I Say.
Provide meaningful verbs, not lazy ones. See Guidelines, They Say, I Say, or Google a list of active verbs. There are lists of such verbs in the course resources
If you use web sources, provide the web address with complete copyright information.
Do not ask the reader questions; it is your job to provide answers.
Whichever thread you select, be sure you address some of the literary elements – these include but are not limited to symbolism; theme; use of language; irony; the doppelganger or the double or the tether as in the movie, “Us”; setting; genre; foreshadowing; character analysis, and so on. However, remember, do not try to address all. Better to write thoroughly on a few than make generalities about many.
Sanity or Insanity
Provide convincing evidence from your research, written, and visual texts.
Use at least 3 professional college level critical literary sources with full copyright information. If the copyright information is missing, google the source. If you still can not find the missing copyright information, it is best not to use the material in your post. Missing information generally means something is askew with the source. Professional writers and critics copyright their work. Should you choose to use material with missing info, you also choose to take the grade consequences.
Some sources are in Course Content; if the copyright information is missing, follow all that you can in L & L and then write “Class Handout.” You can still take the extra step and go find the copyright info, however, to demonstrate your self motivation.
After you satisfy the minimum of 3 literary critics, you may use critics from related fields such as psychology, psychiatry, sociology, history, etc.
Caution: Maintain a literary focus and do not turn the paper into an assignment more appropriate for another academic discipline. Concentrate on such literary elements as symbol, theme, irony, setting, character analysis, allusion, metaphor, irony, and so on. Include the literary elements your post will focus on by referencing them in the thesis statement in the first paragraph. Underline the thesis no matter where it is in the opening paragraph. A purpose statement or an announcement is not a thesis statement.
Write in MLA, not APA. Do not mix MLA and APA.
Provide Works Cited; include Lester and Lester, 14th or 15th ed. and the page numbers you used. In addition, be sure you include web addresses.
Quote from the short story, its video version, and at least three critical literary sources. Remember: doing the minimum rarely produces higher grades. Doing less than minimum will damage grades. Students always have the free will to do more than the minimum, to live up to rather than down from their potential.
Do not ask how long the assignment should be. Concentrate on a well written, well developed, well supported essay. Discuss in a length that demonstrates your depth and breadth of research and growing understanding of literature. Literature’s job is to go beyond history and to tell a multitude of truths. Literature recognizes no THE truth.
Convince the reader that your thesis is credible.
Don’t get to respond meaningfully and academically to one student in the course. Be sure to use the rubrics and /or App B in your response to the student whom you have chosen to address. This is the only part of the comment I can grade since most people do not offer anything academic for the person they choose to address. It is fine to give personal comments, but personal comments won’t earn you points.
Thoroughly edit and revise before you post; there are no do overs.
Double space; I will not try to read single spaced work and there is no time for revisions or for me to read them .
Write in complete sentences, present tense, active voice, 5-7 sentences per paragraph and 2 – 3 transitions per paragraph. Transition from one paragraph to the other as well.
The Thread:
Take a stance. Do not give a wishy-washy answer.
Do not rely on mere opinion.
Use the most current Diagnostic Manual of Mental Illness.
Is Emily insane? What kind of insanity?Does she have more than one — identify any and all using the Diagnostic Manual, not your opinion. At what point in the text did you determine she becomes insane or perhaps sane for the first time in her life? How did she become insane or gain back her sanity? To what extent does her “insanity” free her from all that she has experienced? To what extent does her reclamation of her sanity free her soul? To what extent does she “masculinize” herself as she goes insane or as she gains sanity? To what extent does she adopt “toxic Masculinity”? Why does “masculinization” of self, basic or toxic, count? What are some of her growing and final acts of rebellion/gaining freedom? Do not call Emily a lunatic or use any other slang words. Use appropriate mental health terminology.
Keep your response literary, though you may use the Diagnostic Mental Health Manual . To maintain a literary focus, use appropriate concepts such as theme, foreshadowing, symbolism, irony, setting, allusion, character analysis, and so on.
Do not use more than three literary terms– it is better to have depth on specifics rather than vague generalities.