the essay submitted must be between 6 and 8 pages, excluding the Title Page, Abstract and Reference page. It will be double spaced, using font as specified for the APA format and will be a critique/review of course materials covered from the assigned readings or a current Business Continuity tool or topic. You will use a minimum of 4 references. Your text book can be considered as one source. see below references. 1. REQUIRED TEXT BOOKS textbook: Wallace, Michael and Webber, Lawrence 2011. The Disaster Recovery Handbook. AMACOM Books, New York, NY. ISBN 139780814416136 (2011 Edition). 2. Readings from FEMA Higher Education Training Program, found at: https://www.training.fema.gov/EMIweb/edu/fem.asp essay readings: Read the link listed below by Lynn Bezosky which was printed in the September 4, 2016 issue of the San Antonio ExpressNews and posted online on the website of Emergency Management. If the link does not open, cut and paste it in your browser. https://www.emergencymgmt.com/disaster/Westexplosionpostscriptoverregulationofthewrongchemical.html Answer the following questions in the body of your paper and be sure to distinctly answer all three questions! #1 Do you think this accident was a result of incomplete disclosure, lax oversight or regulatory gridlock? #2 Do you believe the federal government needs to amend the law as it relates to the redefinition of “retailer” or do you believe it is just a clarification of the definition and does not constitute a new rule? #3 Is additional regulation required for this industry?