Case Study Prompt Fall 2017 The objective of the Master Case Study is to evaluate an MPA student’s ability to comprehend a case, assess the core problems and causes, provide theoretical and empirical analysis, and make summary lessons and recommendations. The student should be able to write a coherent and convincing narrative analysis of the case, drawing on appropriate theory, justifying claims with data and evidence, using the American Psychological Association (APA) style standards. This semester’s case for analysis in the Mastery Case Study is entitled “Mayor Ed Murray and Seattle’s Historic Fight for $15.” This case documents the events, negotiations, and policy processes of a major United States city to consider its own minimum wage ordinance. In your narrative case analysis report for the Mastery Case Study, please address the policy positions and goals of major players in a complicated policymaking process as described in the case; assess leadership of an elected official as they oversee the policy process; examine the public policy process and role of popular pressure; and consider how conflicts can be negotiated and resolved to advance public policy, particularly in the realm of wages and employment. Please write, on your own without assistance, a narrative case report addressing topics described and following the rubric guidance and appropriate and clear writing standards (i.e. APA).
Mastery Case Study Guidelines
Objective The objective of the Master Case Study is to evaluate an MPA student’s ability to comprehend a case, assess the core problems and causes, provide theoretical and empirical analysis, and make summary lessons and recommendations. The student should be able to write a coherent and convincing narrative analysis of the case, drawing on appropriate theory, justifying claims with data, using the American Psychological Association (APA) style standards. Components of the Case Study Analysis Report ● Introduction and Study Context ○ What or who are the key subjects discussed in the case? ○ What are the important problems or puzzles in this case? ○ What is the significance and relevance of the case? (Why should the reader care?) ● Assessment of Core Problem and its Causes ○ From your own perspective, what is the ultimate problem in this case? ○ In your own assessment, what are the root causes of this problem? ○ What are alternative perspectives or explanations? ○ Why is your perspective important to consider? ● Analysis ○ How does existing literature help us understand this case? ■ Be sure to cite and properly reference ○ What theories are relevant for understanding this case, the ultimate problem and its causes? ○ How do you explain what is described in the case? ○ What data from the case support your analysis? ○ What does the existing research and theory suggest for acting on this problem? ● Lessons Learned, Recommendations, and Warranted Actions ○ Based on your assessment, what are the key lessons from this case? ○ What actions are warranted to be taken given your assessment of the case and its core problem? ○ What recommendations do you have for the actors and organizations in this case? ○ Are the recommendations and warranted actions feasible given the evidence? ○ How are these justified from the theory and existing literature? ● References ○ Be sure to identify all sources and references used, following APA guidelines.